CHAPTER 3: Next Assignment Is Where?

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        When I got home, I took a shower, packed my bags for a couple of months worth, just in case, though I never take that long.

        Then once I was done, I took a seat on my couch, poured myself a glass of whiskey and lit up a cigarette as I opened up the file.

        Right there in front of me, on top of the papers inside, of the persons information, was a picture of Katie. She was my next assignment? I had to kill her?

         I started taking a drink from my glass along with a drag from my cigarette while leaning back on my couch, staring at her picture for a minute before beginning to read on why she has been put onto the list.

        As I began to read the reasons why, I didn't believe them. I know I haven't seen her in ten years and people can change, however, I doubt she went from a too-nice- of-a-person to someone making deals with the Irish Mafia. In fact, I only see copies of contracts that were signed with her signature.

         Though, the more I read, the more I started thinking this had to be bullshit and that there was no way this was her. She had to have been set up or something.

        At least that's what I had thought until I saw several more pictures of her meeting with the leader of The Irish Mafia, talking at a restaurant? Bakery of some kind?

        I threw the pictures and everything else down onto the coffee table, finished my whiskey, then poured myself another glass and leaned back against the couch while looking up at the ceiling, taking a drag from my cigarette.

        I just couldn't believe she would ever get involved with people like that. Maybe her step brother, yeah, but her? No.

       Though I guess when I left, I guess all that she had really left, was her step brother. Maybe he turned her to become this way.

        Fuck! I said to myself. This is going to be one of the toughest assignments I have ever done. And to make matters worse, this is the time for the high school reunion. The last thing I want to do is kill the one girl I have and always will ever love.

        My phone goes off and I see it's my dad. So I answer it, though before I'm able to talk, he starts talking.

        "I know this is hard for you son. That's why I am giving you two months. That's the most amount of time I can give you, without anyone else finding out and doing the job themselves, but in less than a week. Believe me, it's been hard trying to convince some of these guys to give you some time, though, I do believe I gave them a believable story."

         "Dad, it's just..." I begin before he interrupts me.

         "I know son, I don't think she did it either. In fact, I believe that it was her step brother, Will. However, while I'm giving you some time to figure out what exactly is going on, I'm trying to find out what's true and what's not. Now, no one knows that you know her. But Paul, if you find out by the end of the two months that she did do it, you have to kill her. Cause if you don't somebody else will, then they'll come after you. And I don't want..." he stopped himself and I know it was cause he didn't want to talk about the guy who killed my mom. The man who runs this whole operation. 

        "I know dad. Don't worry, I'll make sure the job gets done. Either way. Nothing personal will be involved, strictly business. I'm a professional, remember?" I ask him though I try making it sound like a joke, though neither one of us is laughing or anything. Cause I know he's worried.

        "Just keep yourself safe, son. Contact me when you can." He tells me.

        "Of course." I replied.

        "Oh and son?" He says. "I love you."

        "I love you too." I tell him before we both hang up the phone.

        I finish off the rest of my drink, put my cigarette out in the ashtray that is overflowing with cigarettes at the moment, get up and start heading off to bed.

       This was not how I wanted to see Katie. But then on the other hand, at least this way, I can spend some time with her and catch up, if she wants to that is. She could still be hurt, or worse, pissed off about when I left her.


         It was a day in a half long drive and I had stopped at a shitty hotel along the way, to make sure I was able to be fully awake and alert for the first day and meeting her.

        As I was driving through town, I saw several people that looked familiar. Of course they were my bullies.

       Then, I noticed a huge ass banner that displayed the most revolting words on it. It said: WELCOME BACK, CLASS OF 2007!

       I seriously already want to shoot the first person that put that up there.

       The reunion thing was tonight at the high school gym, why great memories there! (I say sarcastically).

       Finally, I pulled up to the hotel I booked for two months and as I checked in, the middle aged fire red haired lady smiled at me as she gave me the key.

       I gave her a wink and a smile back as I grabbed my bags and started walking upstairs.

       After walking into the room, I start looking around and it's a pretty decent place.

       I begin unpacking, setting things up, hiding weapons around the place, and then checking my phone to make sure all my money has been transferred already to an account I have in Tahiti. Which it did. (Yes, I'm a paranoid person and check my account daily). Especially with the amount I have.

      I look down at my watch and see that I have an hour before the reunion starts. So I crack open a huge can of Red Bull and start drinking it before taking a shower.

      After the shower, I slicked back my hair, put my watch back on, put my dark blue Armani suit jacket, take one more look in the mirror at myself, then drink the last of my Red Bull before leaving.


      When I arrived at the school, all I could say was, 'Fuck me!'

      I began looking around as I was walking up and down the halls. My god, I really hate this place.

     Then, I approached the double doors that lead to the gym. Shit, why am I doing this again?

      I take in a huge deep breath as I hear the loud booming of music coming from the other side of these doors, in the gym. Then I open the doors up and see loads of people.

      It was like a movie moment, I thought. As  the doors closed behind me and as I started looking around, wondering if anybody would recognize me, I realized almost everybody was looking at me. Especially the women.

      I just smiled at them and thought that this might be fun. I could make it a game. See how long it takes until somebody finally recognizes me.

     Though as I walked over towards the bar, I asked the bartender to pour me a whiskey.

      Then as I started looking around, I stop and stare at the doors as they are closing and I notice Adrian, Ethan and Katie.

       My heart drops to my stomach. The butterflies return back to how they were whenever I was around her in school. She may just be, literally, the death of me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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