He threw back the rest of his drink from his tankard and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "So I've been thinking. If you'd like, I shall finish teaching you how to read." He knew this would cheer her up. Even though it would take away his time from the stables it was worth it.

Almost immediately after hearing his words, Rowan perked up and smiled widely, "Really? Have you finally thought about what you would like in return?"

Now it was Bjorn's turn to laugh, "I don't want anything from you. I want to teach you."

Her eyes shined even a brighter shade of blue at this. "When can we start?" She asked.

Bjorn shrugged, he hadn't thought that far, "How about now?"

Rowan practically screamed yes, so Bjorn stood and collected his parchment, ink well and quill as Rowan cleared the table of the dirty dishes and together they went over the basics.

She had already learned the alphabet and knew what sound the majority of them made.

For the next few hours, they worked well into the night. Rowan had completely learned how to produce the sounds of each letter and had even learned how to read a few basic words Bjorn had scribbled onto a list.

Yawning, Rowan stretched. It had been a long day and she was ready for bed. "I think I'm going to get some sleep if that's okay."

"Of course," Bjorn said and walked over to ready his bedroll. Afterwards they each took turns changing behind he changing wall into their night clothes.

Rowan regretted not bringing her wool nightgowns to keep her warm at night as she nestled into the large bed. Gone were the warm summer days as the crisp autumn ones had set in, leaving the nightly temperatures frigid.

She watched Bjorn settle himself in on the floor after he doused the fire in the cobblestone pit and the tent grew rather dark.

With each passing moment, the cold night air sunk deeper into her body, almost reaching her bones. She had suffered each night shivering in the bed, wishing she could be warmed. Without thinking about the consequences she blurted out, "Would you like to come up here with me?"

Bjorn sat up and looked around in the darkness for someone else that may have been in the tent with them. When he couldn't hear or see anyone, and looked in the direction of Rowan, "Were you talking to me?"

She would have laughed if the invitation hadn't been so awkward for her. "Well there isn't anyone else here I would be talking to is there?" She asked lightly.

At first Bjorn didn't know what to say. He had heard that it was normal for the men and women of the Skabelse to sleep in the same bed but ever since arriving they had yet to do so. He more or less trusted her and didn't think this was a trap as much as he hated to admit it. And he was awfully tired of having to sleep in a bedroll.....

"Uh sure, I suppose I would," he answered carefully still wary of her invitation. He stood up and grabbed the top blanket from his bed roll and walked to the right side of the bed and joined her.

It felt strange to be lying next to another person but natural at the same time.

He pulled his blanket on top of them and rolled onto his side, accidentally brushed his bare chest against Rowan's cold body.

He seethed at the shock of the coldness, "You're freezing!" He whispered, surprised. It's no wonder why the Gladeswoman had invited him into the bed.

His hot skin felt like a Godsend against her and she wished he would scoot a little closer to her. "Yes I am sorry. I couldn't take it anymore. That is why I asked you to join me," she whispered back. She felt that she needed to explain to him why she had asked him to come into bed with her. More so she needed to tell herself why she had, because deep down there was a part of her that had asked for another reason.

The two fell into a silence, trying to get used to the other's close proximity. Both bodies were as still as statues, afraid to breathe too deeply or move a muscle. Neither wanted to disturb the person that lay next them.

She couldn't help be to be so aware of the man that was only a few inches from her. She focused on the sound of his steady heart beat and even breaths. Every once in a while it would brush the back of her neck and she would shiver.

Soon she relaxed and welcomed the Rorikman's close proximity. Already she had felt her temperatures rise and she couldn't deny that she felt safe with him so close. He brought her comfort and for the first time in days she didn't feel lonely.

Slowly Bjorn's body heat warmed Rowan under the covers and together they fell into a blissful sleep.

The SkabelseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora