Chapter 1: That Cheating Bastard

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 Classes had ended hours ago but before the last bell, my boyfriend, Ayato told me to wait in our room when I arrived back at the manor with his brothers. I didn't want to follow his order since I had a feeling that I knew what he was going to do with me but, I was too terrified of what he'd do if I didn't listen to him. So now ,as I speak, I sit atop the soft emerald colored sheets of bed that is shared by the devious vampire and myself, anxiously awaiting his arrival.

The door to the room was roughly slammed open and I was greeted with the sight of Ayato kissing Yui who had her legs tightly wrapped around his waist as if he were her life force. A small tear rolled down my cheek but that was the only sign of emotion that I allowed myself reveal.

"Move." he demanded huskily. I promptly followed his order and crawled off of and away from the bed until I reached a chair where I sat down to observe the degrading sight before me. It's not like I was into these kinds of things but it seemed as if Ayato always had his eye on me because if I ever looked away from the things that he did with other women, I would be severely punished for it once he had finished his antics. Repulsive sounds and sights enveloped the room until it was all over and I was allowed to leave the room. 

I slowly got up from the chair and began to leave but at the sound of my name, I turned to face the now bare ginger. His lovely scarket hair was ruffled and his beautiful green eyes held a devilish mischief to them, almost as if he enjoyed seeing me so bland. 'What did I ever see in you?' The question flashed through my mind for a second but I kept quiet and held down my head so that my long (h/c) hair fell in front of my face. 

"When you leave this room, I can never seem to find you. Where you go?" his voice was forceful as usual.

"I'm sorry but I am not able to reveal that information."

"Why not?"

"Because that information is not mine to give." He slightly rolled his eyes at my reply but refused to press forward on the matter since the sky outside was now changing from a depressing shade of blue to a calming hue of red. 'I need to sleep. Exams are tonight.' 

"Whatever, you can leave now." I nodded and left the room. My stomach rumbled with hunger but I knew there was nothing in the house to eat so I, instead, went straight to my safe haven. 

"Shuu?" I whispered as I entered the gardens.

"Stop acting like you're smuggling drugs. You couldn't get in trouble even if someone caught you." I snapped my head around to see the stoic blonde staring down at me. Tears welled in my eyes and I brought him into a loose hug, making sure to be careful of his phone or whatever it was that he used to listen to music.

"Why is he so..."

"I'm not the one you should be asking, i'm only here for your blood." Even though his comment was blunt and rude, I still allowed a smile to cross my face since I knew that no matter what Ayato did, I could always run to Shuu for a well deserved cuddling session.

"Shuu, I don't care about your reasons for letting me hold you, I still appreciate it."said man's body went stiff at my comment, but he soon relaxed and moved my hair away from my neck. Now it was my turn to stiffen. 

"Are you going to make it hurt?" 

"Of course i'm going to make it hurt, what more do you expect from me?" before I could speak, I felt his fangs sink into my neck. It stung at first but soon the pain subsided and I barely felt a thing. It wasn't long until he pulled away and when he did, I went straight back to hugging him mainly because i was feeling weak.

"Thank you Shuu."

"You really are a little masochist, aren't you?" While I usually would have replied with a snarky remark, I just shook my head.

"No, I mean thank you for being  the closest thing i have to a friend." Arms wrapped around me and soon I was lying in a bed with Shuu's head on my chest. 

"Go on, this is what you want right?" he sighed while pulling me closer. I slowly nodded and began to stoke the vampire's beautiful blonde hair. Although I didn't love him as more than a friend, something about holding him in my arms made me feel like I had finally accomplished a woman's job in life.

Slowly but surely the sun began to reach it's peak and my eyes finally closed so that I could enter the world of sleep.

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