Deadly Lies at a Reasonable Price

Start from the beginning

"You will not touch her, until you tell me what you will do to her." I declare, my palms raised in front so that I could be in advance if anyone dares to attack me. Gaia shrieks out a laugh which brings my attention immediately. 

"I'm not doing anything to the girl, I can assure you of that. I do fancy however, a new toy in my garden, my children like to have a play." Gaia met my eye, smiling as I continued to stare. "Plus  We both know in a few hours she will rise from the dead and search for her infallibly foolish mother. Little would she know, her mother willingly betrayed her, in more ways than one. After that she wouldn't want to see both of you, ever, again." She added watching Ambrogoi blink in confusion, then turned to me.

"You don't know the half of it!" I yelled raising my fist. Nobody knew just how much I have despised this deity. She kept tabs on my parents, she kept tabs on me. Becoming a Moon Goddess was something she did due to my ancestry, if not for Theia, I would be washing floors in the Olympian halls. Gaia knew that I was strong, she knew I had powers not many possessed, and she knew I will do anything to comply her will.

"I know a liar when I see one." Was all she said, still analysing me under her light bronze-gold retinas. Only, that she didn't know me at all. The things I have done was in love for Alexia. I was even forbidden to have a child, let alone have a man in my life. None of the descendants of the Titans had the privilege of having a normal family. Especially not me.

"I'll do anything, please Gaia, don't take her away." I mumble, her eyes snap to mine, noticing the trailing tears down my face like a lone river washing away the sorrows of the world. If there was anything about Gaia's 'toys' that was the fact that she practically treated them as objects. None of the toys lasted a week, her children - absolute monsters - ripped limbs and organs out of her living gifts. I would rather die than watch my daughter have her body parts detached.

"How about a trade?" The leader deity snapped, voice sharp. I felt Ambrogoi stiffen and step forward. "Who do you think you are? A bag of diamonds, appearing out of thin air and ordering around, I don't think so!" He fumed, fronting over my body like a shield.

"I am not talking to you, corpse. Stand out of my way or you will beg me to stake your heart right here and now." Gaia sucked on her lip as Ambrogoi clenched his fists releasing a murderous hiss.

"I may not be a good father, but everyone makes mistakes. I will not let you hurt any member of my family. Try me." The Vampyr stated and I could not blink as Gaia flicked her fingers shoving Ambrogoi into the nearest tree. The sharp branch sticking out fully pierced his body, but not the heart. Thankfully, not the heart.

"So, about the trade. You give up your life for your daughter, seems very generous on my side." The blonde deity affirmed rubbing the smile on her face in my direction. She wanted me to die, so that Alexia lives. Is that really what she considered generosity?

"Mother please spare her. Where is your kindness that everyone very much misses?" Hecate suddenly spoke up, walking beside me. I know she was shaking from head to toe, she never did something like this. Never stood up against her.

"Where is your loyalty?" Hera spat, which has my eyes narrowing, if only I could destroy the half of them. Hecate gave out a whimper closing her eyes sharply but then opening them again. "It doesn't sound like you, mother, please." She repeated more firmly after taking a few deep breaths. At this moment I admired Hecate in many aspects, she stood up for me. We did have a few rivalries once in a while, but she was always like a sister to, and will always remain her.

But honestly, at this right moment, I took a scan around. A good look of what has happened. 

The Alpha King lay low on the ground roaring at the very few deities that wanted to in secret snatch Alexia's body and practically abduct my daughter from my own sight. Caleb who I have learned lots about in the last few months stood beside his best fried, he didn't plan on killing him, no. He has chosen a different pathway, a different journey. Hayden was passed out cold on the ground, but he would eventually rise too, if only he knew what kind of journey awaits him on the finish line. As for Connor, well my old dear Connor seemed to have dissipated into thin air. But something told me, he could have not made it far, not with the wound arranged by the Ambrogoi. I sighed deeply, Alexia's father took his time removing the twig that was still inserted right through his well-built frame and I didn't blame him for that, I have never actually felt physical pain. Only emotional. Like the one right at this moment. There were a lot of dead bodies as it was, mangled on the dirty ground, the smell of which steadily began to accelerate with each passing second.

What are you going to do?

I heard a voice crystal clear in my head. Phthonus. 

Looks like the God of Jealosy decided to hide himself in the shadows, patiently waiting until the whole madness sucks itself out of the situation. Good for him, I guess. The longer I thought, the more I speculated, I just came to one and only conclusion. I have been a bad mother, raising her child in the realms of illusions and fears. I was never there to begin with, nor was Amborogoi. The illusions manifested were there as a pretend act - to convince Alexia she wasn't alone all these years, and I really don't think any part of my plan worked.

"I am accepting the trade and I am ready to suffer the consequences." I utter, confidently facing what will soon become reality. It was the only way I could get Alexia out of here alive and safe. It was the only option at the time.

Phthonus. Take her. Save her.

Some part of me wasn't sure whether they will just snatch off when I'm gone, I didn't know Gaia's intentions to begin with so this was my last wish. 

I will take care of her. I promise you that.

I heard very well back. I had to put my trust in the God of Jealousy as I had no other choice. Because let's for once face the reality, the werewolves of mine could never take down the oldest, and the angriest deity to live and thrive - they will die trying.

"You may say your goodbyes."
Gaia generously made it clear, I had about a minute that's what she meant.  I silently went over to my, and my only daughter. I saw her the day she stood over my grave. The illusion has fooled everyone, at some point even myself. There wasn't a day that I regretted leaving her side and giving myself away to the Moon Throne. But that was what had to happen at that time, or they would have found her, I spend way too much time on  Earth.

When I knelled beside her, the large black-furred werewolf backed away, as if coming to his senses, he stared at me. Or maybe he thought I could help.

She's not dead Alec. She never was.

I let the message reach his brain before I turned my head towards my daughter. My arms circled her in my arms as I pressed my forehead against her shoulder. 

You have a great purpose Alexia. I know you can hear me. Trouble will find you again, but for now, don't rise to the surface. Ethan will take a good care of you. You can trust him. I have always been with you Alexia, you might have not seen me but I was always there. Always. I watched you grow, and I watched you develop. I was with you for your every single birthday Alexia, standing beside you as you blew out the candles and made a wish. I just hoped I was physically there. Every day of the year.

I love you my little moon.

"Enough!" Gaia declared, I faced her with narrowed eyes, not wanting to show weakness. I kissed Alexia lightly on the forehead letting the mark of the Moon forever claim her skin, sealed from the worst of the troubles. 

There was a unregistered shine in her eye before she asked. "What did you just do, what was this all about?" She demanded her foot tapping on the cold ground.

"It's called love b****, something you will never understand." Gaia's eyes widened at my use of words and she flung her palm across my cheek, muttering verbal profanities which I did not waste time listening to. I met Ambrogoi's eyes who poured tears for he knew this was the end of me and he couldn't do a thing. When they took me I glanced back just in time for the werewolf King look around at the empty spot where Alexia previously lay. 

Like I mentioned, my time might've came to an end, but Alexia's journey has just began.

She was the next Moon Goddess after all.

Hey guys, this is the final chapter of this story. I will be publishing epilogue in about two days or even tomorrow - quite likely.

Let me know what you think of this chapter guys!!!! Comment, vote, spam me with messages do what you like! 

Never forget to stay rolling...

and glowing!


The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now