"Dive underwater with me." Hoseok inquires, sinking into the pond and sprouting his eyes in the low green light. You follow him, bubbles streaming from your lips.

Hoseok reaches out to grasp your hands through the water, making you smile at the sweet sensations of the way it feels like you're a mermaid, in a sense. Hoseok likes the way you appear in his own water world, colored over of an exquisite overlay of green and blue. He presses into your space, brushing your noses together and grinning at you. You allow him, composing your own hands onto Hoseok's shoulders and observing him with confiding eyes that blink irritatingly under the water.

Bubbles recede from your lips in dawdling, listless streams and Hoseok presses his lips against your mouth, simply to keep his air inside. You decide not to move momentarily, only blinking vacantly at him until you swim to the surface for air.

Hoseok pursues behind you to the surface as well, his lips forming a pleased smile up at the sunlight glistening down at your soaked skin.

"What was that for?" You gasp plainly, and your function of forming legitimate words stumble a for a mere moment as you swipe your bottom lip with fingers. The ghostly impression of his lips burning yours.

"Because I wanted to." Hoseok tells you, in a matter of factly tone that throws you off guard as you watch him float through the water. Was he serious? you thought muddily.

"You - I mean, wait," You freeze, biting your lip to lessen the awareness you still have on your lips that's making your heart run a mile with no water in sight. Afterward, you try to speak again. "Do you know what a kiss means?"

"I do." Hoseok admits, his face beginning to burn up by the second you stare in awe at him. "I wasn't trying to give you a kiss. I wanted to keep the air inside your lungs. With ... my mouth."

Silence mocks you both. You remain to simply stare at him. "This is getting weird."

Hoseok pushes himself lower in the water so you can't see his face turn bright red from your reaction.


"Sorry." Hoseok gurgles into the pond water, then comes right up to the surface so you can clearly hear it. "I'm so sorry."

Taking in all the new events, you shake your head, still gazing at him with a new abstracted emotion on your face. Hoseok perilously wants to dismiss such a look, he wants you to apprehend everything complex and transparent that happens between you two.

"Hoseok, I ..." You breath out your hesitations and move forward. If this was your chance to give it all and not be chained to suppress urgent feelings, than this is a push of endurance off a cliff you've waited for. "I want to keep kissing you."

Hoseok lingers his beholding stare at you, breaking into a special smile when your fingers touch his, even when you kiss him like you're searching for concurrence. Wrapping an arm around your neck like a vine, Hoseok holds himself up as your arms cape encompasses his body and ease on his back, grip stocked up with tranquility.

Everything about you is descalant and reachable and very much alive, Hoseok heart is being pulled by a threat of doubt of how you can choose someone like him. He's anticipating that if he clutches you tenaciously you wouldn't let go. You kiss him listlessly, delicate lips against Hoseok's, a pure angelic pace. Hoseok tantalizing touch serenely combs through your wet hair, to the end of the roots as he presses his palm into your neck.

Hoseok nudges his tongue to connect to the edge of your lips, compelled to gain entrance inside to have a taste. Hoseok yearns to relish and rejoice with the spark that had lit up behind his eyes, and let it heat him up under the lonely chill of the water. He could just ravage your ablazing presence to the core.

Your hands spawn a fiery route all over his back, beyond his shoulders and where his dipping spine ended and scales started. Hoseok has a strenuous decision if he aspires to be adjoin to your body or the hand softly etching over his fading scaly skin. Pulling back for air, your lips are pigmented as fair as roses and glistening, then you condense fruitful kisses up the span of Hoseok chin to nose as Hoseok breaths through his gills in the water.

"You taste like pond water." You sigh with warm breath hitting his cheeks, embracing him delicately.

Hoseok leisurely grins, skimming his fingers amongst your hair and etching lazy circles on your back. This relationship couldn't work, there should be many reasons swarming his head to remind him of every single one, but he can't recall any of them in this instance, because of the way your eyes shine radiantly. "I'm sorry"

You shake your head, connecting your lips for another longing kiss. Fiddling with the sun necklace around his wet neck. "Don't be."

a drop in the ocean • JUNG HOSEOKWhere stories live. Discover now