Alicea (8 days after)

Start from the beginning

"ALICEA!" Queen's terrified voice roared out. She dropped her egg cautiously onto the ground with Breeze. Thunder bolted over to me frantically, already scenting my own blood.

"Oh no, its another one," A carnivore whispered.

"Oh gosh..." a mother gasped. Thunder stared at my body, looking around me for any signs of wounds. But there was none. Queen joined thereafter, looking with him.

"She looks fine!" Thunder cried, "What's wrong with her? There's no wound!"

"I don't know!" Queen had no ideas, no ways to help me. She was empty all over. I let out a small cry as the pain went from intense spasms, to just one sharp sting in my gut. I opened my mouth, but no noise came out, just my harsh breathing. Blood began to spill from my mouth more smoothly, but this time, I couldn't swallow back. I couldn't contain it.

"What's happening?!" Thunder bellowed, "What's happening to her?" Now this time, Queen was speechless. She backed up as if I was some contagious object, shaking her head.

"Wait, let me, I know some things..." The Sinraptor from before announced, making Thunder stare back. For a second, both of them stared at each other, untrustworthy in their eyes, until finally, Thunder backed up. The middle-sized raptor then rushed to my side. I couldn't see anything now, especially since the blood was now rushing into my eyes.

"Alicea..." Thunder's voice came into my head, "Everything's gonna be okay..." I coughed hard, looked up at his grey bleak face and exhaled shakily.

"You promise?" I sobbed. Thunder hesitated, which I noticed, then seemingly nodded, though I wasn't sure. I felt little pinches on my side for a second, until I could see the Sinraptor come back into my view. But he didn't look promising.

"I don't know what it is that caused it, but she's bleeding," He concluded.

"How? There's no-"

"Inside her..." He interrupted, knowing what he was going to say, "She's bleeding internally." Internally. A word I've never heard of before. Insides, like the insides of prey. Like the stomach, the organs, the ribs. I was bleeding inside there. Thunder turned back to me, eyes turning red and redder every minute.

"Can we do anything...." He swallowed. The Sinraptor stared back at the carnivorous pack, then shook his head,

"No." No was a word I used a child, I thought. I used it to say, 'I don't want this!' or I don't wanna play this or that. But this type of no was something said to a dead animal. No we can't save her. No we can't do anything.'s no use. I cleared out my thoughts, embracing the sudden blows of pain that almost made me double over. Was it really over for me?

"Alicea..." Thunder's saddened voice and face came back, and my eyes looked up at the blurry figure, "I'm sorry."

"You promised...." I choked with a straight face, "That I'd be okay..." Thunder looked away, letting a tear shed from his eyes, then gulped. I never saw him so sad before.

"You are gonna be okay..." He breathed, "I know you will." He nudged me with his large snout, inhaling my scent.

"I know you're lying," I grinned weakly, ignoring the shots of pain that consumed my body, "I could see it in your eyes..." Thunder bit his lip, looked away again with another tsunami of tears upon him, then let out a choking sob. Queen moved in a bit, listening in grief.

"I...don't want to lose the way I lost....the way I lost..." Thunder was shattering from inside, "Oh gosh,....oh gosh..."

"Hey..." I was crying too, "It's going to be okay. You have Queen. You have a load some of carnivores. And you're son..."

"No-" He wept, "I can't lose you...I just can't..."

"You could see your son again. Tell him about your stories. Huh...and...about meeting me. About surviving..." I giggled. Thunder hit the point when his sobbing went into a full out cry. Suddenly, I felt my heart burst like fire, and my world around me began to turn whitish. Fear sank into my throat, and I struggled to stay awake. But something was holding me back.

"Alicea," Queen whispered, more held together than Thunder, "I-I'm so sorry....about blocking you out. You deserve better."

"I didn't save her though," I whispered.

"No, saved my own life......And.......I apologize for that..." She smiled.

"I accept you apologize." I struggled to squeak. I saw Breeze silently walk over to me, and glanced at me without a word. I nudged her with the last bit of life I had left inside of me and breathed.

"Keep....this......future.......alive, okay....?" Breeze laid her head upon my snout without a word, but obviously she knew what was going to happen to me. The bright light grew larger and larger, and despite my fighting, I couldn't withstand it. And just like that, everything went silent. And my heart froze silently for the last time.

To tell you the truth, I actually did shed a tear while writing the last part. And then I got angry at myself. LOL. ITS JUST A STORY! Hopefully you didn't though :D. If you did, I feel you pain, *sob* :(

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