
In the heat of battle, Scout took a bad few shots to his body. He clutched one of the wounds and ran away from the opposing team's Heavy.

Scout ran himself right into a deserted part of the map, before dropping to his knees from the pain. "Fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck," He said, clutching the wounds.

Scout had called for Medic, but he was in the other side of the map, probably up in the fight with Heavy. And Scout's health was slowly deteriorating. By time he got there, he'd be dead.

Scout started breathing heavier. He saw the snow around him that was once a crisp white color was a dark, crimson red. He was losing a lot of blood, and fast. Scout couldn't sit up anymore and he laid back in the bloody snow.

"Scout?" Sniper asked, walking over to him hesitantly. He looked over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed.

"Sniper, what're ya doing here? You gotta go..you gotta...you gotta...." Scout trailed off. He could feel a warm liquid sloshing around in his head. His vision seemed to be darkening around the edges and everything seemed blurry. Scout had the faint realization that he was dying.

"Scout..." Sniper said, kneeling down in the snow next to him. He grabbed his hand, and felt his cold he was. He  propped his head up with his other hand. "Scout.."

"Please don't leave me," Scout uttered. Death was terrifying, and everyone here lived through it every day. And despite knowing that he would come back perfectly fine, he was still scared. It was even worse dying slowly like this. Feeling the life slowly drain out of your body. Having the darkness creep into your vision. Bleeding out in the snow and cold. Scout didn't want Sniper to risk dying too, but he didn't want to be alone. It was horrifying.

"I won't, I'm not leaving, I promise," Sniper assured, stroking his thumb over Scout's hand. It was comforting, in the midst of his death.

Scout could feel his heartbeat slow down, could feel the sinking weight of his body farther into the snow, and everything slowly faded to blackness.

Sniper held onto him until Scout took in a breath and he didn't exhale. He pressed a kiss to Scout's hand and laid his arm down in the snow. He had nothing left to do but walk away and left respawn put him back together.

Sniper stopped for a moment to take his glasses off, wipe his tears away, and put his glasses back on before re-joining the team.


Scout walked into his room with Sniper after taking a hot shower to wash all the blood and sweat away. It had ended up being a rough day, but the team pulled through in the end and scored themselves a win.

Sniper was sat at the foot of the bed, staring at the floor. "Hey, you okay?" Scout asked, leaning against the wall.

Sniper glanced up. "Oh, Scout, you're back. Yeah, yeah i'm okay," Sniper said, mustering up a smile.

Scout frowned. "What's wrong?"

Sniper shook his head. "It's nothing, i'm okay," He lied.

Scout crossed his arms. "Tell me,"

Sniper fumbled on what to say for a moment. "I just...I keep thinking about what happened," He confessed.

Scout shook his head. "Sniper, look at me, i'm fine." Scout said. He held his arms out and did a little twirl. "I'm all good," He reassured.

"I know, I know, that why I didn't want to say anything," Sniper mumbled.

Scout internally kicked himself. He wasn't being helpful. He took a breath and sat beside Sniper. He started at the wall in front of them. "Why is it bothering you?"

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