"Why did I have to come along?" He complained.

"Because I said so," Perrie said, poking his cheek gently, causing him to smile softly at her. 

I internally gagged, but on the outside, I just smiled. "You guys are too cute!" I giggled. 

Perrie flushed with pleasure. 

"Hey Alex, if you wanna go back and watch some football with me, I'd be happy to go with you. That way, Jade and Perrie can continue their walk," Jed offered. 

"Sounds great," Alex said, looking at Perrie. 

"Okay, I'm fine, it's not like I'm with my mortal enemy or anything. It's just Jade," she laughed. 

It's just Jade. Ouch.

I smiled at Jed, leaned in so it looked like I was kissing his cheek, then whispered, "Thank you." 

He smiled at me, pecked my lips, then he and Alex walked off. 

"So, shall we get back to walking?" Perrie asked. 

I nodded, and she and I set off as well down the winding path taking us further into the park. 

"So, uh, bet you're excited for the uh, wedding," I said quietly, scratching the back of my neck. 

"I'm super excited!" Perrie exclaimed, then paused. "Will you come dress shopping with me? Just us, and we can pick out your bridesmaid dress while we're there," she said. 

"Sure," I smiled, then Perrie squealed and hugged me. 

"Yay! We'll have the best time!" I hugged her back tightly, and closed my eyes, inhaling her sweet perfume. "Who knows?" Perrie said as we broke apart. "Maybe Jed will pop the question soon," she said, wiggling her eyebrows. 

I attempted a smile. "Yeah, maybe! I can't wait to tie the knot," I lied. 

Perrie laughed, and threw a casual arm around my shoulders. "We are so lucky to have Jed and Alex," she sighed. 

"Yeah," I said, looking down at my feet.

Later that day           

"Ready?" Jed poked his head inside my bedroom. 

"I guess," I replied uneasily, turning to face him.

"Wow," he sucked in a breath. "You look amazing," he said, eyes raking over my body.

I twirled. "You think so?" I asked. 

"I know so," Jed said. 

I had chosen a tight black dress that came to mid-thigh, and showed off my curves. I had curled my hair, and applied a new smoky eyeshadow. I had chosen some black pumps to finish my look.

"Let's go!" I smiled, hooking my arm through Jed's. He laughed, then led me out the door, and down to his car.

Skip car ride, and when they enter the club.

Jed's POV:

"Hey handsome," a brunette wearing a tight red dress walked up to me. 

"Hi," I said, shifting away slightly. 

"Where are you going?" the brunette asked, biting her lip, leaning down so her rather large cleavage was in full view. Disgusted, I turned my head away. 

"Back to my girlfriend," I said, backing away from her, until my back hit the wall. 

"She doesn't need to know about us," the brunette said, leaning in. 

"We aren't a thing," I said, managing to duck away from her lips again.

"Stop playing hard to get, I know you want me," the brunette said. 

"I don't want you-" I said, abruptly getting cut off from her slamming her lips down on mine.

I tried to push her off, but she was stronger then she looked. All I could think was no no no no...

"Jed?! What the hell!" Jade shouted, and I could see her running over to me, her eyes welling up with tears. I finally pushed the brunette away, and she finally walked away, probably off to torture another guy elsewhere in the club. 

"No Jade, she kissed me, please," I begged, but Jade turned, and ran out of the club. 

I chased after her, until I bumped into someone, and we both fell to the ground. I mumbled an apology, and made to keep running, but was stopped by a rough hand grabbing my wrist. 

"Jed?" Alex asked. 

I turned to see him and Perrie standing there. "It's Jade, a brunette kissed me in the club, I tried to push her away, and-"

"Jade thought you were cheating on her and ran," Perrie finished. 

"Yeah," I said, worry swamping my insides.

"We have to find her, she must have run home or something," Perrie said.

I suddenly remembered something Jade had told me a while back.

"You're the only reason I haven't left this world yet. Your love is all that's holding me back. If I lose you, there's no reason to stay."

"Jade," I whispered, and took off. 

"Jed!" Perrie yelled, following me. 

I had to find Jade, and I knew just where she would be.

Jade's POV:

I climbed the metal stairs along the side of the tall brick building. The wind blew my hair this way and that, and I made no effort to tame it. It would make no difference what I looked like after tonight. 

I had truly believed Jed had loved me. I knew I wasn't good enough for Perrie, and now I wasn't good enough for Jed, either. I probably never was. 

My makeup was a mess, and tears had left tracks down my face. My concealer had worn off, and my scars on my arms and dark bags under my eyes were in full view. I probably looked quite a sight. I giggled at the thought of a stranger seeing me like this. 

I reached the top of the building. I looked down on the cars rushing by on the street below. I closed my eyes, and raised my arms. I took a deep breath. 5...4...3...2...

"Jade! Don't do this, please!" I turned to see Jed running up the stairs towards me, Perrie hot on his heels. Fear was plain as day on both of their faces. 

"I thought you loved me! Guess I was wrong! You're the only reason I'm still on this god dammed earth! I guess you don't care about me, because I lost you tonight! There's no reason for me to live," I shouted, tears falling again. 

"Am I still not good enough?" I asked, voice breaking. My knees bucked, and I fell off the roof to the pavement below.

You like? Sorry it was so dark! Love you all!        

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