Extra: Hanji's Shenanigans

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Levi was in charge of training the new cadets. Today was Eren's day off. Which gave Hanji an idea.

Eren's P.O.V.

   Ah today is nice, the sun is shining and on top of that I get the day off. I sighed in content as I sat down. A knock came to my door. I got up and opened it, to see Hanji standing there grinning.

    "Oh Hanji what brings you here?" I asked cautiously. "Wanna make Levi mad?" She asked with mischievous eyes. I grinned and nodded. "Hell yeah! I mean what could go wrong?" I said smiling.

    She smiled at me which made me grin. "Ok he should be in...in about 45 minutes if we're lucky." I nodded. "So you're gonna sneak in his room and trash it. Then run and hide." She explained. I nodded.

    I ran to Levi 's room and snuck in. I knocked the things off his desk and messed his room up. After I was done I looked around in accomplishment. Then I quickly remember what Hanji said.

    I snuck back out of his room and ran down the hall. I ran out the back way of the base. As I was putting my gear on I heard Levi yell. "JEAGER YOU'RE DEAD WHEN I FIND YOU!!!!" I laughed and zoomed off into the trees.

    I've been working on a tree house for awhile now. No one knows where it's located but me. I fly far off in the woods to the tree house. I set my stuff down and wait. I listen closely.

Levi 's P.O.V.

  I was in charge of these damn brats. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "Alright we're done for the day!" I say after forty five minutes. I walk back to my room and open the door. I look at the destruction and I feel my blood boil.

     I quickly walk to Hanji's lab and slam open the door. "Who the fuck trashed my damn room?!" I said angrily. She looked at me before grinning. "It wasn't me but have you seen Eren? He just disappeared out of nowhere." She said.

   I growled and walked out of her lab. I can still here her laughing. "JEAGER YOU'RE DEAD WHEN I FIND YOU!!!!" I yell angrily. I see footprints in the dirt leading into the woods before disappearing.

    I grab my gear and fly off into the woods. I search around the area looking closely. What if this was all a trap? I growl and turn back. I head back to the base for the night. I know that brat is not in his room.

     After I made it back I walk to my bathroom for a bath. I've done cleaned up the mess now I want to relax. I sit in the hot water for a bit. I hear someone yelling outside.

     I look up at the window to see Eren fucking Jeager bust through. He falls before scrambling to get up. I get up wrapping a towel around my waist.  He screams and runs out the door rather quickly.  I follow after him.

Eren's P.O.V.

After I was sure Levi had calmed down I left. I accidentally hit a bees nest and they started chasing me. I zipped through the trees. I wasn't paying attention where I was going.

  When I looked up I was heading straight towards a window. "Uh oh uh oh....oh shit!" I yelled as I crashed through the window. I looked and saw a very naked and angry Levi. I scream and run out the door.

     I run down the hall with an angry midget behind me. "Hanji help!!! An angry midget is chasing me naked with only a towel on!!" I yell. Hanji poked her head out and laughed. "What the hell you just say?!" Levi yelled.

   I ran into Hanji's room and locked the door. We heard a loud thump at the door. Then a stream of cuss words. I laid against the door panting. Hanji was laughing up a storm.

    "Hey...Hanji.huff he's going to.get in here you know that right?" I said breathless. She giggled and nodded. "Yep that's why I made this!" She held up a potion.

   "What's that do?" I asked. She grinned. "It'll make you a cat for about a day. You can change into a neko too!" She said happily. "Well if it will get Levi of my ass then alright!" I said taking the potion.

    I felt myself getting smaller and smaller. "You can still talk. That way we can talk to you still!" She said. We heard the the door bust open. There stood an angry Levi.

"Where the hell is Jeager!?" He growled.

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