Back to normal

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Eren's POV

1 month later

I'm back to normal but I can't do the stuff I did before. Such as cuddle with Levi. I miss that so much. Our relationship really hasn't changed. To be honest it seems as if he's avoiding me.

     I walk to the mess hall for lunch. I've been doing some extra training to get a few things off my mind. The others are already there. I grab some bread and sit down at an empty table.

    I sit there for a bit after eating no one talks to me. It bothers me a bit but oh well. I get up and head back to training. I decided to work on my gear. I zip through the trees. Hitting the targets along the way. I grin. 

      My mind begins to wonder as I fly through the trees. I snap out of my thoughts. A limb appeared in front of me. I hit it and fell to the ground. My vision started to blur and soon turning black.

     Aww crap Levi is gonna kill me. I'm gonna be late for dinner but oh well. I was left with the thoughts in my head. I soon quit listening to them.

     Levi 's POV

  Dammit where is that brat. I thought. It was way past time for dinner. At lunch he sat by himself. It looked like he was thinking of something. He got up and left without saying a word to anyone.

      Ever since he was turned back to normal he's been distant. I'm not gonna lie I have too I've been ignoring him and I feel bad. I wish things could go back to the way they were.

    I wait a bit before Mikasa comes busting in my room. "Captain!" She says out of breath. "What is it. It better be good considering you busted in my room without knocking." I said gritting my teeth. "It''s Eren he's missing!" She said frantically.

      I jump up. "What!" I say angrily. "His gear is gone too. We don't know where he is!" She says. I hurry up and put my gear on. "You guys stay here I'll look for Eren. You all search the base." I say sternly.

     I head straight towards the training grounds. I zip through the trees looking for Eren. I see something on the forest floor. It was shining I zip down there. It was Eren. He must have hit a limb.

     I check his pulse it was their luckily. His gear is busted as well. I hoist him over my shoulder. He's light I can tell he hasn't been eating well. I curse to myself how could I have not noticed. He also had bags under his eyes.

    I get back to the base and call for Hanji. She checked him out. "Looks like he hit his head pretty hard. And his wrist I sprained. He's also had a great lack of sleep and nourishment." She said looking him over.

      After that I take him back to my room. I set him on the bed an cover him up. After a bit I fall asleep beside him.

Eren's POV (again)

I felt warm I opened my eyes slowly. My head and wrist hurt a lot actually. I winced as I tried to sit up. Where am I? I thought. I look down to see someone curled up beside me.

    He had smooth porcelain skin and raven hair. He had thin brows and lips. He was quite cute actually. I jumped when he started to open his eyes. They were a dark blue and silver.

      This feeling I've met him before who is he? "Eren?" He spoke with a silky smooth voice. I looked at him. "How are you feeling?" He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
      I looked at him fixing to respond. I opened my mouth to speak when someone busted through the door. She had her hair up in a messy pony tail with glasses. The raven haired got up and the two started to argue back and forth.

      "Um...pardon me asking but who are you?"

Cliffhanger I wonder what happens next....

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