Why can't I remember?

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Eren's POV

I woke up next to Levi he was sleeping soundly so I got up. I walked around the hallways trying to remember. I don't understand it's like the longer I'm this age my memories are slowly going away.

     I managed to get outside, so I just walked around. I see someone up ahead so I walk up to them. I can't remember who or what his name was. He looked like a horse so. "Horseface!" I yelled up to him. He turned and gave me a glare. "Well look who we have here. Little Jeager you can't run now." He said smirking. He reaches down to grab me so I run up and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

      He started to get back up slowly. "You stupid little brat!" He said starting to run after me. I ran in the direction I came from. I kept running until I fell I got back up and kept running. I rounded a corner and bumped into someone. "Oi, brat what are you doing. And why are your knees scraped up?" Levi asked. I got up and ran and hid behind his legs. By that time here come Horseface. "Where is he!?" He yelled. I started crying and Levi picked me up. "T-the bad man was chasing me!" I said while crying.

     Levi put me down and walked over to Horseface. He looked at me then back at him. "Ah Captain that stupid brat kicked me somewhere I wish not to be kicked again." He said angrily. Levi looked at me and I was still crying a little. "Listen here see that brat." Levi said pointing at me and the other nods. "He was accidentally turned into a fucking toddler. He can't remember some stuff." Levi said angrily. After he said that he came and picked me up. I looked a the horseface and smiled. He just stuck the middle finger and walked off.

   Levi 's POV

I woke up and Eren wasn't here I looked everywhere for him. I walked through the halls looking. I ran into Hanji she said the potion is gonna take awhile. She pulled an all nighter I left and walked outside.

     I looked around and as I was walking around a corner. Someone ran into me I looked at who it was. Eren. He had scrapes on his knees and looked as if he was running from something. I asked him why he was running. But he just got up and ran behind me.

    After moments later here came Jean. He was angry and looking for Eren. I heard Eren start crying when I picked him up. He said something about the bad man chasing him. It was Jean and he was angry.

   I looked at Eren then sat Jean I sat Eren down. The walked up to Jean and told him. That Eren can't remember something's. I turned around and picked Eren up. We started walking back inside head quarters.

  We made it to breakfast luckily. I had Hanji bandage Eren up where he had fell. I sat Eren in my lap as we ate breakfast. I cleaned Eren's face and took him to get a bath.

    After the bath I went to work on the chores. Everyone was working inside and outside. Eren just sat there watching me. Of course he didn't talk he just stared off in space. After a bit I took him to see Hanji. She has made no progress what's so ever. She said it's gonna be awhile but she doesn't know how long.

   At lunch Eren didn't eat much and he was quiet. I figured he wasn't hungry. But when Armin and Mikasa walked in and said hey. He looked at them and asked me who they were. My eyes widened in shock. I called Hanji immediately. I told her everything. "This is bad he's losing his memories." Hanji said concerned. I looked at Eren and he just looked at me.

  Later that night Eren was sitting on my bed when I heard him say my name quietly. I looked over at him and he had tears in his eyes. "Heichou am I wosing my memories. I don't wanna forget Heichou." Eren said looking at me.

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