Duncan Casey and Tiannie chippy takeaway

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Whilst Duncan Casey and Tiannie are at Casey's house watching Winnie the Pooh on DVD. And Casey and Tiannie got to know each other 2 days ago.  At Ariel's birthday party. And Duncan took Casey on a date last night to pizza express. I'm thinking about having a chippy tonight said Duncan. Hooray shouted Tiannie. Woo-hoo I love chippy tea said Casey. Then they all look what for tea. Tiannie having chicken nuggets Casey having Cheese burger and Duncan having fish and they all having chips with them. Then Duncan order the meal. Then he went to collect them. Whilst Casey get Tiannie in to her pyjamas as she is staying over tonight so is Duncan. Then Duncan arrived with the food. Then they all have tea together. As they all watched Saturday nights show together. Then Duncan put the box they have tea in a carier bag it came in then put it in the bin. Then he and Casey got there pyjamas on. Then they they watched music channel with Tiannie. Then at 9:00 it's bed time for Tiannie. So she gave Casey a goodnight kiss. Then Duncan took her in to bed. Then he and Casey watched a movie together.

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