Jodie quit her job reunite with family Nicky looks after Georgina who is poorly

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Whilst at Nicky's Georgina's and the kids house. Georgina is in bed asleep. Georgina doesn't feel well today as she been coughing through the night ache and pains sore throat and shivery. And Nicky is on his way after he found out from Rocco Jay and Shauna about there mummyis not feeling well at all, and he wants to check on her to make sure she's alright as he just want to look after Georgina as he knows she's too ill to do everything and he misses her everyday. And Georgina misses Nicky every single day too. Then he arrived and he let's himself in. And he went upstairs. And found her asleep. And he tucked her in as the covers are hanging off her. And he can tell she looks awful. Then he looks on her phone. And found lots of messages from her new boss. And he realised Georgina was telling the truth and he now knows that Georgina would never ever cheat on him. And he rang Kian to check on Jodie as he thinks it the same problem and told him he's getting back with Georgina. And Kian agreed and wishing him and Georgina good luck. And Kian was about to leave the house until he got a call from Jodie's work to say Jodie quit her job as she couldn't cope anymore and he found out she was telling the truth about her boss. And Kian was relieved. And he drove to collect her. And she's waiting for a bus back home, as she didn't think Kian won't want to know that she quit her job. And he parked his car near there. Jodie I have just found out that you have quit your job, I'm so proud of you, I have just found out that you been telling me the truth about your boss, as your work mate told me, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you as Kian cries. Thanks Kian I couldn't cope working there anymore because of my boss so that's why I quit it is okay I forgive you said Jodie. Then they got in the car. I'm so sorry I have asked you for a divorce now I have realised I don't want to divorce you as I am still deeply madly in love with you I fancy you like mad, I never have missed you so much I won't ever let you go ever again we'll be together forever said Kian. Putting the rings back on Jodie's finger. I don't want to divorce you eather as I am deeply madly in love with you too I fancy you like mad too I never have missed you so much rather I won't ever let you go ever again eather as we'll be together forever said Jodie. As Jodie put wedding ring on Kians finger. Then they share a kiss. Then drove  to nursery to collect Aeriel who's birthday it is today. And everyone wished her a happy birthday. Mainly Jodie. Then Jodie went to Koa's school to have lunch with him. And he wasn't happy to see her at first. Until Jodie explain to him that she has quit her job and she is very sorry for spending time with work rather than being with him Ariel and his daddy and she loves him Ariel and daddy very much and she misses him Ariel and daddy. And Koa finally forgave his mummy and he's happy she has quit her job and he told her he Ariel and his Daddy loves and misses her too. Then they have a reunion cuddle with tears running down there cheeks with happiness. Then she hugs and kiss the rest of the kids. Then they enjoyed lunch together. As Koa sat on her knee for a cuddle. Whilst Nicky making some chicken sweetcorn and garlic soup soup and home made garlic bread for lunch and a heart shaped cup cakes which say get well soon Georgina and decorated the cakes with different toppings on and made hot lemon and honey. And he organized Mark to look after the kids and take them to Ariel's party tonight and he will drop them off home tonight. He been before for a coffee and Nicky gave him the kids fancy dress outfit for the party. As it is fancy dress party. The adults dress up too if they want. Then Georgina woken up. And she's tossing and turning. It's alright Georgina I'm here hush said Nicky. Nicky what you doing here as Georgina cried in a croaky quiet voice. I have found out that your not feeling well at all, and I just wanted to look after you and I found out the truth about your boss as I just seen lots horrible messages from your him I'm so sorry Georgina said Nicky. Oh Nicky it is Okay I forgive you I'm so glad you finally found out the truth about my boss, and thanks for taking care of me as feel terrible said Georgina in a croaky quiet voice. I'm so sorry I have asked you for a divorce now I have realised I don't want to divorce you as I am still deeply madly in love with you I fancy you like mad, I have never missed you so much I won't ever let you go ever again we'll be together forever said Nicky. Putting the rings back on Georgina's finger. I don't want to divorce you eather as I am deeply madly in love with you too I fancy you like mad too I have never missed you so much rather I won't ever let you go ever again eather as we'll be together forever said Georgina in a croaky quiet voice. As she put wedding ring on Nicky's finger. Then they share a kiss straight away. Have Karen been to see you this morning said Nicky. Yes as Rocco got hold of her for me and she said I got a very bad flu so I got some tablets caugh medicine and ear drops said Georgina. The kids even look after me this morning Jay did my breakfast and put my medication in the cupboard after I took them Rocco did my drink and brought in Gia to my room Shauna put the DVD on for me and tucked me in then she went downststairs to help out the boys with breakfast whilst Gia was tucked up in  bed with me and giving me a cuddle then Shauna and the boys came upstairs with our breakfast then we all have breakfast in bed said Georgina in a croaky quiet voice. That's good the kids looking after you said Nicky. I know it is then after we all have breakfast the kids got ready for school and Roco also helped Gia get ready for nursery then you came to pick them up. I'm glad the kids were looking after you said Nicky so am I said Georgina in a croaky quiet voice. Then Nicky went down stairs to Finnish of making lunch. Then 10 minutes later lunch is ready so he put them on the tray and brought them upstairs. Ah thank you so much looks yummy said Georgina in a croaky quiet voice. Thank you said Nicky. Then he did her meds. Then he wen
t to get his lunch from downstairs and brought them upstairs and he climbed in to bed with Georgina then they have lunch in bed. Then Nicky washed the dishes. Then he have a cuddle with Georgina.

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