at the hospital with Casey

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One night Casey is out with her 12 friends there partners and her boyfriend Nick. At the club. And Casey is terrified of them. Because they always shouting and slapping her and always saying things about her. And Nick pushed her to the dance floor. And she fell on her ankle. And kick her tummy. And she cried in pain. As she is heverly pregnant. And they all laughed. Let's killed that stupid baby said Nick. As they all laughed. I hate you guys i don't want anything to do with you all ever again shouted Casey. As she cries. Fine we're moving to America for good shouted everyone at the same time. Then a couple ran over to make sure she's okay. Get Lee get Lee as Casey cries. I'll ring him for you said the lady. And Jasmine answered the phone. And the lady explain what happened. And she was very worried about Casey. And she told Blue and they arrived at the same time as the ambulance. And Lee is worried to death because he loves her a million. But he's having mixed up feelings because he also loves Jasmine. Leeeeee said Casey. As she cries. Don't worry sweetheart I'm here, said Lee. As he took her hand. And he thank the couple. Then Lee got in the ambulance with Casey. Whilst Jasmine and the rest of his band mates followed behind the ambulance. Poor girl feel really sorry for her said Duncan. I know I feel really awful for her too said Anthony. True I hope poor Casey is alright said Simon. So do I poor Casey bet she's in alot of pain said Jasmine. Then they arrived at the hospital. And Casey is going to have her scan done. And she wants someone with her. But Lee can't go in because it's only ladies aloud in. So Jasmine have to go in the room with her. Even though the girls don't get along well because they always argue about Lee but Jasmine realised that Casey needs her support. And she apologise to Casey first. Casey I'm so sorry, for the argument about Lee we had I just love Lee so much you know and I want to get over our argument said Jasmine. I'm sorry too Jas I love Lee too and I want to get over our argument too said Casey. As they share a very long hug. As everyone clapped. Then they went in the room. And Casey have sprained her left ankle. And she had a miscarriage. And she burst in to tears. Oh Casey I'm so sorry to hear that you have miscarriage said Jasmine. I'm absolutely devastated, I always wanted to be a mum as Casey cries. I know you do said Jasmine. As she cradles her in her arms. Nick did it because he hates children as Casey cries. I know he did said Jasmine. Then they came out of the room. And Liz Casey's mum is outside with them too. Casey had a miscarriage and sprained her left ankle said Jasmine. Aw Casey I'm absolutely devastated for you said Lee. As he hugs her. Thanks said Casey. As she cries. Aw princess I'm heartbroken for you said Liz. As she cries. I know what it feels like to loose a baby it is heartbreaking, said Liz. Definitely said Casey. As she cries. We're sorry to hear that you have miscarriage said the rest band mates at the same time. Thank you said Casey. As they all hug her. Then the nurse showed them where there ward is. As Casey need to be kept in hospital. And She's having a operation about 2:00 which is in 30 minutes. Then arrived at the ward and it got 3 other beds in Casey's room. There's a bed for all of you you must be really tired said the nurse. Thank you we are all very tired said Blue Liz and Jasmine at the same time. You welcome said the nurse. And Lee help her out of the wheelchair. As her ankle is in pain. Then Blue came out of the room. And Jasmine and Liz help her get the operation gown on. Then Blue came back in the room. Then 20 minutes later it is time for Casey's operation. And they all walked down with her. And Jasmine and Liz both held her hand. And only one person can walked in to the theatre with her. Lee can you come with me said Casey. Yes I'm coming said Lee. And everyone else gave her a goodbye kiss. And Lee went in the theatre with her and stayed with her until she's goes to sleep. And he kissed her gently. Then met everyone else outside. Is she alright said Liz. Yes she's fast asleep said Lee. Thanks for looking after my daughter I'm sorry for telling her that you were mugging her off and thanks for telling me what happened said said Liz. It is okay said Lee. As they hugged. Then they all went for a walk. Then came back and Lee went to pick her up. And he kissed her cheek gently. As she is fast asleep. Then they went out of the room. And everyone else kissed Casey gently. Then they went in the ward. And Simon lift her out of the operation bed and in to the other bed. Without disturbing her. Well done Simon said everyone at the same time. Thank you said Simon. Then Lee and Jasmine went to the bed opposite her bed Liz and Casey sleeping together Simon and Anthony are sleeping right side of Casey's bed and Duncan is in bed on his own on the left side of Casey's bed. But Casey woke up crying in pain. It alright princess said Liz. Rubbing her back. And Anthony and Duncan woke up. I'll see to her said Anthony. Okay I'll come over too said Duncan. Okay said Anthony. And they rushed to her side. Even though they haven't spoken before as they are very shy. I'm in pain said Casey. As she cries. I know you are said Duncan. As he sat on the bed. We totally understand how you feel said Anthony. Are you Duncan or Simon said Casey. As she looks a Anthony. It's Anthony princess said Liz. It's me Anthony said Anthony. In shocked. Oh sorry haha haha haha haha, as Casey laughed. It's okay haha haha haha haha haha as Anthony laughed. She's daft isn't she haha haha haha haha, as Liz laughed. I know she is haha haha haha haha, as Anthony laughed. I'm Duncan haha haha haha haha said Duncan. As he laughed. Hey Duncan hehe hehe hehe hehe, as Casey laughed. Are you OK Casey said Jasmine. As he came over. No not really I'm just heartbroken that my baby gone as Casey cries. I know I totally understand how you feel said Jasmine. As she puts his arm around her. Do you want me to sleep with you instead said Jasmine. Could I mum said Casey. Yes of course you can princess said Kim. As she came out of bed. Then Jasmine woke up Lee. And he was alright with it. Then Duncan got in bed with Lee. Whilst Liz got in bed on her own. And Jasmine is comforting Casey. Let me tell you a story when I was pregnant said Jasmine. Okay said Casey. Once I was pregnant with Lee's child, we were very happy, to become parents, until one day I fell down the stairs, and I miscarriage our baby, and me and Lee, were absolutely devastated, so I totally understand how you feel at the moment, it made me think about that day I won't forget it now Lee and I are not together anymore because of it but we're still close friends said Jasmine. As she got tears streaming down her cheeks. Oh Jas said Casey. As she gave her a cuddle. Thanks Casey said Jasmine. As she gave her a cuddle back. Then they laid down. I won't forget this day, it's the worst day of my life, as Casey cries. I know it is said Jasmine. As she strokes her brunette long hair. I know it's hard sometimes And things seem larger than they are But if you need to tell someone That's what I'm here for Cry on my shoulder I'll help you rise above Cry on my shoulder, my love Out in the world outside It can be harsh and cold But if you need someone I will be here to hold you
Cry on my shoulder I'll help you dry your eyes Cry on my shoulder, my love I know it's hard sometimes And things seem larger than they are But if you need to let it go Then you can call on me Cry on my shoulder I'll help you dry your eyes Cry on my shoulder, my love Cry on my shoulder
I'll help you rise above Cry on my shoulder, my love My love... as Jasmine sang. Thanks for a beautiful  song Jasmine said Casey. You welcome said Jasmine. Then it's bed time. So they hug and kiss. Then they fell asleep. Then the next day 10:00 in the morning everyone else is up apart from Casey and Jasmine As there still asleep and they are cuddling up to each other. With Casey's head on Jasmine's chest as Jasmine got her arms around her. They all thought it's so cute. They are glad the girls got along better since last night. Especially Lee. Who is relief. Then Casey woke up. She had sweet dreams last night about Duncan becoming her boyfriend. Because she hoping to his girlfriend one day because she is so in this love with him. But dosen't realised he's bisexuel which means he likes men and women and everyone could tell, he's not comfortable around his boyfriend Daniel and they all go out with lads who are Daniels friends and there partners every night and they all gay too and they all very horrible to Duncan. And Duncan is very scared of them. Especially of Daniel. And he is really more in to ladies. And he is very close friends with everyone like his band mates Westlife Boyzone Spice Girls 1D sclub 7 steps everyone from Pitch perfect everyone from pop idol everyone from celebrity big brother everyone from Hannah Montana and lots of other friends and he loves and adore all of the kids. And they all love all the girls. The girls are all best of friends. And all the adults love and adore each other too. And they all best of friends. Duncan is moving to Australia for good with Daniel and his friends And Duncan dosent want to go Because he'll missed everyone else in Manchester. Good morning how are you feeling said everyone at the same time. Still don't feel to well, said Casey. We totally understand that said everyone at the same time. As they all gave her a hug and kiss. Your Simon are you said Casey. Yes i am Simon said Simon. Then Jasmine woke up and they all hug and kiss. Then they all get ready for breakfast. And Anthony help Casey get in to the wheel chair. Then the doctor came to see her how are you feeling said the doctor. I'm still not feeling well said Casey. Okay we'll keep you in ok Casey said the doctor. Okay doctor said Casey. Then they went downstairs for breakfast. And Anthony is pushing Casey in the wheelchair. Whilst Lee held her hand. And Liz is holding Casey's other hand. And Lee held Jasmine hand too. Whilst Duncan and Simon are both in front. Then they arrived at the cafe. And Simon got everyone some breakfast. Then Lee are going home. Jasmine got lots of housework to do. And Lee is going home to Bluebell Milly Jade his 5 year old daughter. Who is staying at Nicky Byrne's house. They all hug and kiss. Then everyoneelse walked back to the ward. And Simon help Casey in to her bed. Then they all watched a movie.

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