Ali's birthday party

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At lunch time Ronan and Storm are arriving at nursery to pick up Ali who's birthday it is today who is 1. And they hug and kiss everyone else who are also arriving at nursery and they asked how the honeymoon was. And when it is home time. Ali was really excited that Dadda and Mamma came to collect her. And everyone thought it was so cute, mainly the staff did. And Ronan and Storm were excited to see Ali again as they missed her and Missy so much. And they and everyone else wished her a Happy Birthday. And the staff even asked how the honeymoon was and told Ronan they had a little party for her. Then they and everyone else walked out of nursery. And they all laughed at Shane filan walking in to the door and he thought it was a walk through mainly Nicole who's holding kian's hand whilst he's holding Ariel's hand the other hand. And Shane got his fist up to let Nicole know he's coming to get her as Shane laughed too. So is everyone else. Then Shane tickled her soon he walked through the door. As Nicole giggles. Cheeky one for laughing at me for walking in to the door Nicole as Shane laughed. Then they all going home going to Ronan's at 5:00 for a party. And they know Hannah and Lilly are not going to be there as they are poorly they felt sorry for them. And Ronan Storm and Ali going to McDonald's for lunch. Then Ronan took her to the park whilst Storm and some of the adults put up the party decorations and get party food ready. Then Ronan and Ali collect Missy who also excited to see her daddy. Ronan excited to see her too. Then they all walked home together. And soon they got home Storm who is dressed and ready gave Missy a big cuddle straight away. Then they all got ready for the party. Storm bathed and washed Ali's hair. Then dressed her in a pink sparkly tutu dress with cream tights cream cardigan pink shoes and pink bow hairband. Wow gorgeous said Storm. Beautiful baba said Ronan. Pretty Ali said Missy. Then Storm dried Missy's hair after Ronan washed her hair. Then helped her in to a red sparkly dress with a silver bow creamy tights silver cardigan silver shoes silver bow hairband. Red pearly necklace and bracelets with silver flower charm on and silver hoopie earrings. Gorgeous my darling said Storm. Wow beautiful baba said Ronan. Soon he came out of the shower. Thank you said Missy. Then Storm Missy and Ali went downstsirs. Then 20 minutes later everyone arrived apart from Kerry Lilly Karen and Hannah. And they all hug and kiss. Then they all have a disco. Then the kids play pass the parcel. And Gia won a piglet toy. Wow look who it is Gia it is piglet my darling said Nicky who opened the present with her. Then they all did a musical bump and Rose won some chocolate. Wow chocky said Brian. Yes said Rose. Then all the kids did a musical statues and Sauna won some chocolate. Wow chocolate said Nicky. Then they all have buffet tea. Then Keith brought a birthday cake over to Ali who is sitting on Ronan's knee. And they all sang Happy Birthday to her. Hip hip shouted Ronan. Hooray shouted everyone. Hip hip shouted Ronan. Hooray shouted everyone. Hip shouted Ronan. Hooray shouted2 everyone. Look at the cake baba Uncle Keith made it give him a kiss said Ronan. As Ali kisses him. Ahh said everyone. Thank you Ali said Keith. Then they all have a slice of cake. Then they all watched Ali open her presents as Ronan help her open the presents and Storm puts the rubbish in the bin and wrote down who the presents are from. Then Stephen helped her open the cards. Then they hug and kiss the boys from Blue because they are going to do a tour in Belfast and won't be home until tomorrow lunch time Then they have another disco then it's home time. So they all hug and kiss.

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