jasmine takes Bluebelle to school and forgot her lunch.

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Wake up Bluebell said Jasmine with a kiss. Good morning my sweetheart said Jasmine. As Bluebell woke up then she took her for a wash. Then Jasmine got Bluebelle's outfit out she's wearing a white top with red love hearts on denim dress navy blue tights and black boots. Then Bluebelle got dressed. Then Jasmine brushed hair hair and put a pink bow haircrip in her hair. Then they have breakfast together. Then Jasmine put a white fluffy coat on her.  And she put on her black fluffy coat. Your going to Gulivers world is that exciting said Jasmine. It is exciting said Bluebell. Then they walked to school together and Jasmine didn't realise she forgot to take her lunch snack and drink out of the fringe. Then they all hug and kiss some of the adults and the kids. And Jasmine seen her and some of the kids off with some of the adults. And Jasmine realised she forgot to give Bluebell her lunch drink and snack and she is upset and she panicked. And Kian who been dropping Koa off. Managed to get hold of the teacher and the teacher told Kian not too worry she'll buy Bluebelle's lunch for her and will give the change to Jasmine. And Bluebelle sharing some chocolate with Shauna who she's sitting next too and gave her a spare drink. And Jasmine was relieved. Shauna is just a sweetheart said Jasmine. She is definitely a sweetheart said everyone.  She's a little angel said Nicky. She is said everyone. And I'm glad the teacher is buying Bluebelle some lunch and will give me the change said Jasmine. True said everyone. Then they all walked home together.

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