Ariel's birthday party

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Then at 5:00 everyone is arriving at kian Jodie's and the kids house for Ariel's birthday party. Apart from Mell C Brian Lilly Mikey Hannah Georgina and Nicky And they all hug and kiss and wishing Ariel a Happy Birthday. And they have a reunion with Jodie. And they all laughed at Keith calling Luke Nicky by accident as the lads are so much alike. And all the adults and all of the kids are dressing up too. And everyone laughed as they look good. Mainly at H who came as Winnie the Pooh and Stephen who came as Shreck especially there band mates thought it was funny Including H and Stephen did. Then all the kids did musical statues and Amy won some chocolate. And she gave the cholate to Bella who is Mell C twin sister as Mell C is going to see a show tonight with Anthony. Good girl my darling said Bella. Well done Amy said Stephen. Thank you said Amy.  Then the kids play musical bump musical bumps and Gisele won some chocolate. Good girl my darling said Molly. Then kids played pass the parcel. And Nicole won a peppa pig cuddly toy. And she got so screamed with delight about as she loves peppa pig. Wow look who it is Nicole it's peppa pig you love peppa do you sweetheart said Shane. Who been opening the present with her. And he took the label off so then she play with Peppa pig giving her cuddle and kisses and everyone thought it was so cute mainly Shane and Gillian. Then they have a buffet tea. Then Kian  brought a cake over to Ariel who is sittingon Duncan's knee. And they all sang Happy Birthday to her. Then they all have slice of cake. Then they all watched Ariel open her presents and Kian helping her. Whilst Jodie wrote down who the present from and put the rubbish in the bin. Then Brian arrived at the party soon Paul arrived to look after Lilly. And he had a reunion with Jodie then hug and and kiss everyone else. And he dressed up as Buzz Lightyear. Here's Buzz Lightyear as Jodie laughed. Then everyone laughed including Brian. Then he took the buzz head off his head. As he was getting hot. Then he went over to Ariel. Hello my sweetheart, don't you look gorgeous in in your Little Mermaid fancy dress, happy birthday said Brian. As he gave Ariel her presents and card. Thank you said Ariel. Good manners baby said Kian. No worries said Brian. Great costume Bri Buzz Lightyear as Kian laughed. I know Thanks as Brian laughed. Then Ariel and Kian finish off opening presents. Then Mark Feehily open her birthday cards with her. Then the kids got up too see who the best fancy dress. And some of the adults stayed with little one. And Gia won who was Sleeping Beauty who is having a sleep at the moment in marks arms. And they clapped. And Roco and Jay choose a prize for her and they choose peppa pig cuddly toy as she loves peppa pig too. Good choice boys said Mark. Then all the adults have to see who won the fancy dress and H won. And they all clapped. And he choose a bottle of champagne and he couldn't lift it because of his costume and they all laughed. So Lisa lift it up for him. And put it with his coat. Then everyone have a disco. And some of the adults got change as they got too hot. Then Brian took Mark in to the conservatory and he asked Mark Feehly and Louise to look after Lilly tommorow evening as the kids are going to the soft play area for tea with Marks parents tommorrow night and Brian Kerry Molly are going out for a meal tommorow with Kerry's relatives as Kerry had a reunion with her family they had a huge fall out because they've been worrying about her when she was with Tristan and they all love Brian the best for Kerry and they also like Marc and George too. But there favourite man for Kerry is Brian. As he makes them all laughed and he is very caring to everyone and very handsome. And they are very happy to be reunited with Kerry and Kerry is happy she to reunited with her family. And Brian's parents are going away for A tommorow with his grandparents Aunty and uncle and his sister is at work tomorrow evening. And Mark and Louise would love to look after Lilly tommorow. And Mark is looking forward to it as he used to baby sit Lilly and Molly when Brian and Kerry were going out for a night when they were still married when Brian was still in the band the other lads used to take care of the girls too. Then they all did the conga. Then it's home time. So they all hug and kiss. 

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