Chapter 49 - Birthday Kiss

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The constant companionship of Mrs Waltz as they exchanged recipes was a memorable experience for Ariel. Mrs Waltz even gave her an unofficial training in gardening basics and harvesting. The days flew past so quickly that the day of Mrs Waltz's birthday finally came.

The kitchen was abuzz with life in the wee hours of the morning. Ariel was in full steam mixing the cake ingredients. This was going to be an ambitious laces-and-flowers cake. She made sure that it had little sugar, since Leon told her that his health-conscious mother was not fond of things that were too sweet.

Being the only chef in the mansion, Ariel was glad to have the help of Andy, Angel, Ivy and Leon to chip in with the preparation of this evening's dinner party. Mr Waltz helped to distract his wife from the surprise cake by walking with her at one of their their favourite nature trails nearby.

Finally, the time that everyone was waiting for.

Mr Waltz placed his palms over his wife's eyes. Lifting up his hands, everyone exclaimed, "Surprise! Happy Birthday!". Mrs Waltz covered her jaw-dropping mouth, thunderstruck by the spectacular details of the cake and the candles neatly place between its fondant florals and lace. The room broke into a birthday song, causing a stray tear to flow down from the corner of her eye.

"This is the most amazing cake I've ever seen. I'm speechless, really," she choked back.

"You can thank Ariel for this," said Mr Waltz.

"Hey, we helped out too," protested Andy and laughter ensued.

"Of course, little fella," grinned Mrs Waltz, "I can't express our gratitude enough for everyone's hard work here." She blew out the candles and cut the cake, "Well, shall we?"

While they ate their delicious share of the cake, Andy suddenly remembered something and said out loud, "Mum, isn't it your birthday today too?"

Ariel froze as everyone looked at her. "Andy," she whispered, "I don't think so."

"It is! I just checked the date. Happy birthday, Mum!"

"Your birthday's the same day as mine? Why didn't you say so?" quizzed Mrs Waltz.

"Oh....I-I must've forgotten," Ariel was hot with embarrassment. Leon shook his head at her, bewildered that she could forget her own birthday even though he was guilty of doing the same of his own birthday too.

"Oh no!" Angel slapped his forehead and joked, "Too bad we ate your cake before you could blow your candles!"

"Well, this calls for a double celebration!" exclaimed Mr Waltz. "Let's sing 'Happy Birthday' one more time."

Ariel kindly rejected the idea by waving her hands but it was too late. They broke into the song anyway. She blushed and wreathed in smiles, feeling touched by their warmth and felt as though she was part of the family. Everyone came to give her a hug, all except Leon, who remain seated, observing the scene through narrowed eyes.

"Leon, don't just sit there! Come give her a birthday hug," Angel persuaded but Leon hesitated. Ariel's smile faded at the what seemed like a glare from him.

What's wrong with him?

"I've got better things to do," Leon lifted himself up from the seat and left. Ariel's heart sank at his sudden unfriendliness and departure. Couldn't he at least be kind enough to wish her a happy birthday?

"Oh, that boy! Never mind, Ariel. Ignore him and let's enjoy our birthdays," said Mrs Waltz.

Ariel nodded with a smile, even though she could not help feeling hurt inside.

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