Chapter 11 - Saying Goodbye

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"CONGRATS!!" exclaimed Han, lifting Ariel off her feet by surprise.

She had just stepped into the Orient Treasure and was about to head into Madam Yong's office to tender her resignation when her colleagues swarmed around her to give her their well wishes.

"You were great on TV!" said Hong.

"Did you see that girl who threw herself at Leon Waltz? That was funny!" laughed Han.

"I don't even dare watch myself on TV!" Ariel laughed with them. 

"We're gonna miss you so much. Please keep in touch. Give me a call if Leon Waltz needs another help. Anything to get me out of the clutches of Bloody Mary," said Han.

"Me too!" added Hong.

"I will," Ariel let out a chuckle and hugged all her colleagues for the final time. She excused herself to see Madam Yong.

"Come in," said Madam Yong, responding to Ariel's knock, the back of her swivel chair facing her.

"Madam Yong, I have come to tender my resigna-"

"I know, I know. Just go," Madam Yong gave her a dismissive wave of her hand without turning to face her.

Ariel paused for a moment, then continued, " I just want to say thank you for -"

"Just GO," Madam Yong growled in a firm tone.

"Okay. Thanks! And bye!" Ariel hastily said and scurried out, shaking her head in delight that she was finally free from Bloody Mary.


"I can't believe it! You're the luckiest girl in the world!" Camila hugged Ariel.

Everyone was helping her pack her bags.

"Well, it was your idea, Camil. I can't thank you enough," said Ariel as she folded her clothes and put them in her luggage.

"You struggled for the most part of your life. It's now time for you to take the last lap and give it all you've got," cheered Rita. "But we'll miss you so much, Miss Beautiful."

"Me too. I'll miss you and Andy. So sorry for troubling you again with him. If only Leon Waltz would allow him to stay with us. Anyway, I'll just need to endure for one year. After that, I promise to reward you with a house of your own," said Ariel.

"Don't forget to reward us too!" laughed Camila.

"Of course, I will. All of you!" Ariel smiled.

"I'm looking forward to your first restaurant," Beth winked.

Although Andy was proud of his mother's achievement, the thought of not being with his mother for a year ached his heart. He already missed her soothing voice and warm hugs.

"Oh sweetheart," Ariel bent over to him and stroked his hair. " I will miss you so much. Promise me you'll be a good boy."

"Mum, why can't I stay with you? Does Leon Waltz not like me?"

"No, of course not, dear. It's nothing to do with that. It's just that he's a very famous person and he needs his privacy."

Andy's eyelids lowered.

"One year is not a long time. Once I'm done, we'll get a decent house of our own. I'll call you every day and see you during my free days. Promise," she raised her pinky finger to him.

"Promise," he intertwined his finger with hers.

Ariel gave him one last tight embrace and kiss. 

She packed the last of her stuff and stepped into the white Mercedes with her bags. As much as she was still reeling in the excitement of winning such a massive competition, Ariel's heart tightened in painful knots as she turned to wave goodbye to the diminishing image of Andy and her friends waving back at her. 

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