Chapter One

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hiishah__ I dedicate this chapter to you to wish you a Happy Birthday as you celebrate your birthday


We struggled with infertility for four years. Four good years might sounded a bit small, but it was enough to put an end to a marriage. At this stage, many tends to give up and just surrender, but we remained strong and he had been my lifesaver through it all.

When I finally became pregnant, it was the beginning of a new joy in my life. On the day of my delivery, I heard the cry of not just one, but two. I became a proud mother of two at a time, and each day, when I look at them, and remember everything had been through before having them, I just give thanks to God

Having those two, I realized being a mother is not an easy job. Training up a child is another job entirely. It was on Saturday evening, enjoying my leave from work with my family.

"Mommy." I heard the cry of my beautiful five years old daughter right there in the kitchen. The cry increased and I heard the two of them arguing together

"Is it not you!"

"I will tell mommy for you."

"Me too, I will tell mommy you ate my biscuit."

"Is it not you that put it in my mouth."

"And is it not you that say, Emmanuel put biscuit in my mouth."

I couldn't help the smile that displayed on my face. Those two fight was always funny. "What is it now?" My voice was loud enough for the two to come running towards me in the kitchen.

"Mommy, Emmanuel collected my teddy, feeding my princess with biscuit."

I couldn't suppress my smile. She even gave her teddy a beautiful name. Princess. And princess was even lucky enough to eat biscuit.

I stopped what I was doing. "Okay Emmanuel, give Emmanuella her princess. You have your own toys to play with too, and you don't feed teddy okay." I instructed my other twin.

"Yes mommy," his voice sounded like he was just being beaten.

Both would never stop fighting each other. And before you realize it, they were back together again playing as good friends. I raised my voice before they start their fight again. "Mom is cooking okay. Now go to the parlour and watch your cartoon."

Immediately, Emmanuella was the first person who ran. "Sofia the first, Sofia the first," she shouted.

"No. Ben 10, Ben 10," Emmanuel disagreed and I was left alone to laugh in the kitchen. Dinner was ready and immediately, I served the one we would eat for the night and got everything ready on the dinning table.

I cooked myself a special meal with a pineapple juice which I had been longing to take. Had been eating a lot these days and sometimes, I might finish cooking and wouldn't feel like eating out of the food I cooked. I was fast with what I was doing because soon I knew Victor would arrive.

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