Showdown at the Sea

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So our holidays came to an end, second semester of college had begun and I was actually happy about it, I didn't have to worry about my private problems so much and I was spending a lot of time in front of some books, for example, I read Goethe's «Faust» (the first part of course, since the second one is deadly boring) that Friday evening, in which I could escape from my reality for some time and of course, I had spent most of my time with Rosalie, we were always happy together regardless of what we were doing, although the most enjoyable thing was having sex since it was always wild and it would exhaust and relax both of us.

That Saturday morning, I remembered that Freddy was celebrating his birthday that afternoon and that we all were invited, his idea was to celebrate on the island west of here since there was a concert there, there was a ferry at the city harbor that was transporting people to that island every hour from 6.a.m. to 12 a.m. so his idea was to arrive there at 7 p.m. and spend the whole night on the island, the concert was starting at 9.p.m. Unfortunately, he invited Tom and Trixie and when I found that out, I wasn't really sure about coming to that birthday, however, Rosalie persuaded me to go since she liked the band that was playing and she was sure that everything would be ok, furthermore, Freddy was our friend and he said that nothing bad would happen, but I just couldn't relax so Rosalie decided to call Trixie and told her that she didn't want any problems that evening and she told her to say that to Tom too. Then Tom promised Rosalie that he wouldn't fight with me, except if I didn't start the fight myself. Well, I still wasn't sure about anything and it wouldn't be the first time that I was right about something, but I was persuaded to accept Freddy's call and so we all came that afternoon to the supermarket where we all were supposed to meet with Freddy, I tried not to look at either Tom or Trixie at all and everything seemed ok as we bought the drinks and headed to the city docks. Rosalie was holding my hand tight and Harry and I were talking all the time about many different things, mostly music and alcohol, he couldn't wait to open the beer and he was afraid that it would all warm up as it would take time to arrive to that island. He also told me that he hated that island and I told him that I also hated it and I really did, I had some bad memories when I was there with my father because I had to help him with some work, it was the most boring day of my life and I missed a concert that day because of that island.

Anyways, we finally arrived to the docks, we bought our tickets at the travel agency and went on a ferry, we found our seat and made ourselves comfortable, furthermore, Harry and I opened our beer, Rosalie was sitting next to me, Freddy sat in front of us along with Tom's friend Luke who wasn't actually a bad guy and Trixie sat next to Rosalie and Tom next to her. I had some fun talking and drinking with Harry and I kissed Rosalie from time to time, but most of the time, she spent talking with Trixie about some girly things, I didn't understand their conversations very much, they were also eating some chocolate and I overheard Trixie saying that Tom and her wouldn't drink a lot that evening, despite of it being Freddy's birthday.

Anyways, as we arrived, we saw some of the familiar people from the park we were going out with at the weekend there, so Harry, Freddy, Rosalie and I greeted everybody while Tom and Trixie were smooching in the back and so, as people went to also greet Tom and her, the rest of us continued on our way to the place where the concert was about to be situated.

As we arrived, we met Harry's sister Jane there with her company sitting at some wall, Harry and I went to greet them and then we tried to find a place where we would sit and start drinking. The whole island was crowded with people, but we actually managed to find a place where we could sit and drink, it was pretty close to boats and the sea, but it didn't bother us and so we started drinking. Soon, Tom, Trixie and Luke came along and they also started to drink with us. Then Freddy came to an idea that we could play truth or dare with an empty beer bottle, but Harry and I didn't want to since we wanted to drink, not to fool around with those games, although we were always up for a round of drinkopoly.

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