Nightmares in Real Life

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I slept until noon that Sunday, it was then when my father woke me up to help him get some 80 pounds heavy machines inside the garage, I was still drowsy, but I snapped out of it really fast, I guess some work really recovers you. I made myself a sandwich and went to my room, put some music on and logged into my facebook account, I was expecting some messages, since today is the second day of the music festival. I got only one message from Freddy asking me to repeat the thing we did last night, I said that we would of course and I also got a friend request from Rosalie, I was really happy that she added me, I don't know why, but I am sure that I wasn't in love, my mind was too strong to fall under that emotion just because of the stupid dream, maybe I believed in that dream too much, maybe Rosalie was just a coincidence, I mean, dreams don't mean anything, it's all in our subconsciousness.

 As I was having a fight with my emotions, I received a message from Rosalie asking me to come to her place that afternoon, that surprised me a bit, but I accepted since she told me that Tom was also going to come, even though I didn't like him as much as I did when he was single. She explained to me where she lives and I knew that part of the street really well, so I found her place without a problem. Upon arriving at Rosalie's place, they were in her yard, smoking cigarettes and eating cookies, she rushed to greet me with a hug, she was really mild and her hair smelled of coconut mixed with vanilla, it was my favourite scent. I enjoyed being in her hug, but I don't know what she felt, and as a matter of fact, I didn't want to find that out right now and I don't know why, we were only just friends of course, but we all know what happens nowadays when there are guys who are single in a company of people and a girl who is single and also in that company.

Anyways, we stood there chatting for a long time, Harry was late as usual and he needed to show up in front of Rosalie's place exactly at 7 p.m., since Rosalie and Tom went to concert before us because they had to work. When he finally showed up, I realized Tony came with him, Harry said he met him on the way and asked him to come with us, we went to park and bought something to drink at Tomy's on the way since all hypermarkets and supermarkets are closed on Sunday, we were lucky.

That day's performances on the festival really disappointed me, I was just chilling there with Harry, Tony and the gang, Freddy also came later and brought some homemade wine, it was fantastic. Some time had passed, and Tom and Rosalie joined us again, we found out that Rosalie just broke up with some guy I didn't know, I wasn't really into the story since I drank a bit, but I know I heard that right, his name was Chris, Chrissy, Christian, I didn't understand the name, but I was a bit concerned now, even though I was a little drunk.

Tony whispered to me in the ear that he kissed that «chick» one night when he was out with Tom, Trixie and her. I guess he meant Rosalie. I noticed that Rosalie kept looking at Harry, she looked really desperate and I don't know what she wanted, but she fell in my eyes, it was like I was in love and heartbroken simultaneously, but I was drunk and I never felt in my whole life the way I felt that night, I wished I was dreaming, but it was just a harsh reality. Then Rosalie kissed Harry and they stood there kissing, it was like a punch to the head, I fell unconscious on the floor. When I woke up, Tom was staying above me slapping my face, I said that I need to go home, everyone thought that I was way too drunk, but I don't know what happened to me, I don't know what hurt me, Rosalie wasn't mine, that's for sure, but maybe I really fell in love too deep and definitely with a wrong person, I don't know why... «I wish I never dreamed that dream and that I wasn't so naive to believe in that nonsense, how stupid and wrong I was...» - I grunted.  

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