Chapter 21.

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Updating it early because of some reason. Read the note at end to know about next chapter.


Chapter 21.



"We will be back soon." Aminah Mom says as she kissed her forehead and hugged her. Aminah nodded and looked at her parents with watery eyes. 

"When will she able to travel?" Aminah Dad asked me. I looked at him and shrugged. 

"Doctor says after a few weeks or a few months. Most depend on how she recovers herself. Don't worry Uncle, I promise you to take care of her and Usama is coming to stay with us this weekend." I assure him. He looks nervous, but shake his head in an okay.

"Allah Hafiz." They all waved as they went toward the security check. I wheeled Aminah out of an airport when they are gone.

When we went to my car, I open the passenger door for her. She holds the door and stood on shaking legs before sitting on her seat. I fold her wheelchair and put in the trunk before getting into driving seat to drivehome. 

It has been a week now to that incident. Lucas finds out where Aqeel was hiding and bring him back here. I don't want to spoil my or my company name that is why I handed Aqeel to police. It was my luck that Lucas pulled some strings and give me some alone time with Aqeel. I make him pay for whatever he did to Aminah. I do whatever I could do and take my anger out of him that was burning inside me. 

After that day, I didn't see him and no one say anything to me when they saw what I did because I paid for it. Next day to that, Aqeel real wife was arrested from her parent's house where she goes after she tortured Aminah. She confess everything when she gets a slap from female office and told everyone, whatever she did was for Aqeel. Aminah was broken when she sign her divorce papers, but her family was there to comfort her. 

"You want to eat something?" I asked her to stop at a red light. I looked at her and saw her shrugging while looking out. 

"No." Was all her answer before she got silent again for the rest of the ride. 

I know it is because she is already missing her parents. They had to leave because their work is calling them back but Aminah couldn't go with them. Doctor told her not travel because her injuries are healing slowly they don't want to risk her life so she is staying here in L.A with me in my apartment. Aminah wants to live separately, but her family request her stay with me because now they didn't trust anyone. They said they trust me which was a little weird, but I am not complaining.

When we reach my building, I park my car in my spot before getting out to take out her chair. She couldn't stand on her own for a long time that is why doctors recommend it to her which was a stupid to her. I wheeled her toward the elevator ignoring her protest. When it comes empty, we went in before I press the number of my penthouse. 

As we ride up, I look down at her and saw her looking forward blankly. Her hands were wrapped into tight fist and her face was red. Maybe she was angry, but I can deal with it. I had no problem of her being angry. When we were on our floor, the elevator was opened and we went out. I wheeled her toward the front door and unlock it before wheeling her inside. 

"I will make some soup for you." I told her as we stop in front of her room door.  She shakes her head in no before wheeling herself inside slamming the door hard making me sigh.

She has to let it go because nothing is going change whatever happened to her. She is free now and she had to live her life. I will do everything to make her like before and I just hope she give me a chance to do it.


"Aminah, your lunch is ready." I called her and serve her soup. I waited a few minutes, but she didn't come. 

I sigh and put the soup in tray before going to her room. I knock it twice and slowly open it. She was half sitting and half lying on the bed with her head resting back with her eyes closed. I smile slightly and walk up to her and put the tray on the empty nightstand before standing back. I clear my throats loudly and saw amused as she snapped open her eyes and glared at me.

"Your lunch. Finish it." I say and turned around to walk away, but stop when she say something.

"I don't want to do anything. Take it away." She said. I looked at her and trying to control myself. 

"You have to eat or else your are going to be weak again and I have to take you to the hospital." I try to reason her but her shake her head. I sigh and sit on the side of the bed and held the bowl of soup in my hand and started to feed her. She opens her mouth to say something, but I put the spoon in her mouth making her glare.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked after herswallow it. I sigh and try to think how to make her believe my feelings for her. 

"Because I promise your family to take care of you." I told her and shrugging. I calm myself to play cool as she continues to look at me. She finally looks away, but not before I see her eyes soften. I smile mentally and continue to feed her and this time she didn't complain but keep eating.


"If you want something, then just call me, I will be here." I told her as she swallows her pills. She nodded and lay down, pulling the covers to her neck. I dim the lights and turned around to walk out of her room. 

"Shehroz " I stop when I heard my name calling from her. It was the first time she calls my name in a soft voice. 

"Yeah." I turned around to face her. She look angel laying under white covers and in dim light. I saw a small smile coming on her face, making my heart race.

"Thank you for everything." I smiled softly and nodded because I couldn't trust my voice right now. 

I walk out completely to let her sleep peacefully when she close her eyes with a soft sigh and a smile. 


Update! I hope you all like it and let me know what you think about it.

About next chapter, I honestly don't know when it is going to update because I burned myself badly and had to take medicines to sleep almost all day so I don't have to deal with pain much. But I promise to post it as soon as I can. Just pray for me because I am not able to eat or drink without feeling any pain.

Thank you for your love and support.


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