Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.



I walk in the park and look around confused. I don't know why I am here, but I feel that I have to be here. Suddenly I heard someone giggling, making me frown because I didn't see anyone here. I walk to my left from where I heard it again. I walk faster when it came louder than before. I stop on my steps when I saw the scene in front of me. My heart clenched to see my love sitting on the bench with her head on someone else shoulder as he rubbed her swollen stomach. I saw a two little boys playing with the ball, but I can't see their face because it was blur like the man who was sitting with Aminah.

As I step forward, Aminah eyes turned and looked at me. I saw the hate in her eyes and a smirk comes on her face as she held the guy hand and kiss it lightly staring right in my eyes. I feel my eyes getting watery and try to blink them back, but it fall down to my face. Suddenly my breaths get heavy and I saw white and black spots appear in front of me and the people disappear. I feel myself getting fall slow and my eyes rolled back in my head and let the blackness take over me.

I gasped and my eyes open wide. I take a deep breath and heard my alarm buzzing. I shut off my alarm and rolled over to stare up at the ceiling blankly. Another nightmare. This has been going on for 2 weeks when I came back from meeting Zoya and Asim. I don't know why I keep seeing Aminah in my dreams. I don't know what I will do now, but I do know that I will do anything to get her back. Whatever I did 8 years ago was only for her and if she didn't love me then I will make her fall for me, but before that I have to wait until Zoya and Asim talk to her and try to make her understand.

As soon as I step out of the building, I start with a slow run toward the park before start running fast. I have been jogging here for two weeks because I didn't get much sleep and plus nightmares. I think about everything. Everything going on here and back to home. I don't know if Aminah listen to them and refused to this marriage, but I know if she truly love that guy then it would be impossible to change her decision. Knowing her about 9 years I know she will is stubborn and didn't listen to anyone if she made up her mind for anything.

I can't give up on her not again. This time I will fight for what I want, for my real love, for my life. I sigh heavily and close my eyes before opening it again. Every time I close it and saw everything. Everything that had happened to me in the past. In college and after meeting Aminah. I can't help but feel my heart breaking whenever I think about her give her hand in someone else to spend her life. I take a deep breath and shake my head before start running faster.

I stop once I was out of breath and cover in sweat. I put my hand on my keens and try to breath properly. I open the water bottle and drink some before pouring the rest on my head and face. It quickly absorbs in my sweaty shirt. I check my phone and saw 7 am. I had an hour to get ready for office. With a slow running I get back to my building and then up to my penthouse.

I walk in my room and strip off my sweaty clothes to get a cool shower. When I was done, I changed into my black suit with white button shirt and light blue tie. I wear my watch, grabbed my phone and keys before walking out. I make a quick breakfast of toast and a cup of tea. I eat it all while checking the report of the last few months and smile slightly when I saw how profit we get in the last few months in comparison of last year.

After finishing my breakfast and checking my emails. I put my phone back in my pocket and walk downstairs after locking. I sit in the car that was Shaheer before he give me. No matter how many years get passed, but I would never replace it with a new car because this was the last thing I get before leaving everything and coming here to start my own business. With a sigh, I straighten my shoulders and turn on the engine to start a new day. 


Finally! First Chapter of Destiny Brings Us Together. I hope you all like it and please let me know what you think about this chapter. Next chapter will be out next wednesday. Upcoming update will be of Silent Love on Friday and One-Shot on Saturday. 

Those who thinks that Aminah will forgive him then sadly they are wrong. She still hate him. 

Check out For My Readers because anytime I will post about my upcoming books. Sorry I couldn't before because of some problem publishing it. 

Thank you for your support! :)


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