Beauty in Simplicity

Start from the beginning

The man nodded in response, eyes flying to the side until his brown gaze landed on your form once more. "Is that what Satoshi gave you?" he asked.

"Yes." You couldn't help smiling. "I think it's really beautiful. I don't know what came over him that he'd choose to buy such an expensive garment for my sake, but I am very grateful."

"It fits you," Hanzo added. "You look stunning."

"You flatter me, Lord Hanzo," you laughed softly, a light pink tint rushing over your cheeks. "It's just the kimono." You tried to hide the warmth on your face by turning to the side, but the gesture only elicited a chuckle from Hanzo's chapped lips.

"I'm not one to throw out compliments in the open where it isn't due," he pressed on. "I meant what I said--you do look stunning."

"Well, thank you Lord Hanzo," you whispered your gratitude, tucking a loose lock of your hair back behind a tingling ear. "I appreciate the compliment."

Not uttering another word, the clan heir hid his hands behind his back and tucked them as best he could inside the hems of his loose grey kimono, speckled with black squares and fastened at the waist with a thin brown obi; apparently his jammies for the night.


You looked over to where he then set his hard gaze, the swimming koi in the pond, and you saw the exact expression of peace and tranquility setting over his body just as you had before his sudden arrival. You remembered the contenting feeling that took over you awhile ago in your solitude, and you wondered if your presence was hindering Hanzo from getting to that level of happiness you felt; the freedom of detaching himself from being clan leader for a few hours a night. Immediately remorse spread through you, and you spoke up in accordance to the guilt in your heart before the atmosphere could weigh any heavier.

"Am I intruding, Lord Hanzo? You look so deep in thought, like there's a lot going in your mind," you inquired, noticing the flicker of the moonlight bouncing back from his tawny eyes. You put a foot forward, readying to dash away at the very mention of disapproval.

"No," he answered honestly, "I like your company. Even if we're not doing anything, I still feel...happy...merely by being around you."

"R-Really?" you whispered. You had your doubts on whether or not he was coming off to you, but with his subtle advancements reaching your head, it became difficult to stay on leveled ground, and assumptions of the clan heir harboring romantic interests for you sprung up left and right no matter how hard you told yourself that it was very impossible.

A part of you fought to think critically, while a bigger part of you had long deviated from reason and danced on cloud nine. You couldn't help it--his handsome face, his piercing stare, his intellect, his wit, his voice--oh you could listen to that man read a phone book for hours on end!

You'd be a liar if you said you weren't very attracted to him. But no way in a million years had you ever thought on actually acting upon your feelings.

Would he even feel half the same way with a lowly servant girl?

"(Y/N)," he continued curtly, sighing as he inched closer into the space between you. "There's something I've, uh...there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

His statement piqued at your interest. "W-What is it, Lord Hanzo?" Half-expectant and half-scared, you patiently awaited for his answer.

The wind picked up, and your untied hair swayed by the locks like a dancing person in the strong breeze. Hanzo could only stare, mesmerized by the raw emotions sculpting your face, the glimmer of the moonbeams dancing in your eyes, your half parted lips ready to reply at whatever he had to say. The exceptional piece of work that wrapped you dimmed in brilliance, and the silken fabric lost their shine. It only made you look like an esteemed lady, but he knew you would do well even on your own skin. Hanzo thought that you've always been lovely, like a little blossom that brings smiles to the faces of people.

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