“No but-“

“What are you going to do when you’re married and he’s on tour and he’s kissing and doing much more to other girls? “Jesse asked.

“What we’ve all ways done, leave it alone and not worry about it because he’s famous and girls throw themselves at him. Jesus Jess” I growled.

“Sky, what is happening” Jesse asked scared as I gripped on to his arm.

“I’m extremely dizzy” I said.

“Go back to Sam’s “He said pushing me towards that way. I nodded and held on to the wall making me way to his place. The stairs weren’t easy, but I made it.

“Holy crap!” James said catching me before I fell on the floor.

James’s P.O.V.

I was just getting coffee when I heard the door open.

“Hey” I yelled. No reply. I looked out the kitchen door way and saw Sky.

“Sky?” I asked. She started to fall.

“Holy crap!” I yelled before pretty much diving to catch her. I caught her before she collapsed.

“What’s happening?” Danny asked coming out.

“Oh my god” He said getting on his knees.

“Sam!” I yelled.

“Shut up” Sky moaned.

“Ya?” He asked coming out.

“Get 9-1-1- on the phone” I said trying to help Danny take her sweatshirt off.

“Got it” Sam said.

“Where’s Ben?” Cam asked.

“He went out to go get her because he thought she wouldn’t make it home.” I replied.

Ben’s P.O.V.

“Sky?!” I yelled.

“Have you seen a girl with black hair in a ponytail, wearing a brown sweat shirt, running?” I asked almost everyone.

“Ya, she went that way.”  A guy replied pointing back the way towards the Sam’s house.

“Thank you!” I said before running back towards that way.

“If she suddenly asks to take a break, don’t be surprised” The man said.

“What?” I asked turning around.

“Just be careful” The man said. I nodded confused.

“What happened?!” I screeched seeing ambulance people start putting her in the back.

“She came in and collapsed” James said.

“SHitttt” I yelled.

“Family member?” They me

“Yes” I lied.

“Okay, then come in the back” The guy said. I sat in the back as they started putting IV’s into her and suddenly everything stopped.

“What’s happening” I asked as they started putting tubes down her throat.

“She can’t breathe on her own. She’s going into cardiac arrest” They replied shocking her with prattles. I grabbed her hand. I squeezed her hand hoping that I would get some sign she was still here, that I wouldn’t lose the love of my life in the back of the ambulance. Then she started breathing again.

“Take the tubes out” I said.

“What?” He replied.

“She’s breathing! Take the tubes out!” I screeched.

Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें