Imange if..

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Sky's P.O.V.

Ryane and Ash came in to talk to me.

"Aw Skyy" Ash and Ry said hugging me.

"ow." I muttered whiping my eyes.

"Im sorry" They said.

"Its fine." I replied smiling.

Alex's P.O.V.

"Yo yo yo, my name is Alex Gaskarth and my sis, Skylar Gasakrth just got raped" I said while Ben stared at me.

"Excuse me?"The women asked.

"Ya Dawg you heard me" I said.

"Let me talk to her" Ben said ripping the phone out of me hand. Smart guy.

"Yes, Skylar Gaskarth"

"Wednesday night"

"Go find out the name" Ben told me. I nodded and ran to Sky.


"He said Tim Rey" She said. I nodded and ran back down stiars..

"Tim Rey" i said

"Tim Rey" Ben repeated.

"Okay. Bye" He hung up and ran upstairs to Sky. i followed.

"Sky, I need you to show us were you were.okay?" Ben asked. Her eyes went large and nodded.

"Good now come on" Ben said and took her hand and we went down stairs. The police were already here.

"14 Jimnle Rd?"The repeated. She nodded.

"He looked like this?" They asked. She looked at the photo and nodded.

"Thank you. Are you the boyfriend?" They asked Ben. he nodded.

"Comfort her" THe lead cop said.

"I was planning on it" He chuckled putting his arm around her waist.

"Good." The cop said and rode away with his sirens on.

"Come on, lets go inside" Ryane said with Justin suddenly appearing.

Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant