Where were you?

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Sky's P.O.V.

"So this is were we dipart again?" Ashton asked smiling.

"Fuck no!"  I exclaimed. She looked at me confused.

" Well when you were in the bathroom, I begged Ben to allow you to stay with us. The guys agreed. We texted them"I smiled.

"Are you kidding me?" She whispered.

"Hellz no" I smiled. She screetched and hugged me.

"Ashton, I get it you love me" I laughed hugging her.

"NOT JUST LOVE." She yelled.

~3 hours later~

"Hey Alex!" I said once he answered his Skype.

"Hey Sky!" He exclaimded.

"I have a suprise!" I smiled.

"Does it invovle my ex-girlfriend?"He asked worridly. I shook my head no and looked over to Ryane.

"Okay! Then shoot!" He yelled.

"MEET ASHTON CONNER!" I yellled as she appeard behind me. He smiled one of the largest smiles I have ever seen.

"Hey Ash" He smiled. OOOOO he had a crush on herrrr!!!!

"Hey Al" She blushed.

"OH MY GOD. YOU GUYS TALK. BEN! HOLY CRAP BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I screetched getting up and running to the back lounge jumping on him.

"Hey thereee" He smiled.

"Ash and Alex love each other! HOLY CRAP! THEY ARE LIKE TALKING RIGHT NOW AND WHEN THEY STARTED FIRST TALKING HE BLUSHED AND SO DID SHE!!!!!!!!!!!!" I exclaimed fan girliling.

"WATCH THEM START DATING!" I said. He laughed and hugged me.







I SHIP THEM ALTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My phone rang.

I looked at the name,



"Hello?" I growled.


"What do you want?" I mmuttered.

"Don't sound so happy." She said sarcasticallly.

"I'm fucking exactic" I growled.

"Good." She said.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked.

"For your forgiveness?"


"Thats low..."

"I am low! The lowest of low! and DAMN FUCKING PROUD BEOTCH!" I screamed and hung up.

"You okay?" Ben asked scared.

"I'm fine!" I smiled running away and to the computer.

"SOOOOO?" I asked Ashton after they hung up.

"He asked me if I wanted to see a movie with him when he got back" She said smiling

"AND?" I yelled.

"SSSHHHH!" Ryane yelled.

"SORRY!!!" I yelled back. She laughed  and chuckled.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I screamed.

"I said yes" Ash smiled and blushed.

"YOU GUYS WILL BE A-DOR-ABLE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said hugging her and making her fall on the ground.

"You guys are weirdos" Danny chuckled.

"We know" We smiled.

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