I just want to stay with Alex.

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Sky's P.O.V.

The rest of the week was focused on me getting better to go on tour and all.

"So Sky"Matt said breaking me out of me thoughts.

"Ya?"I asked looking at him.

"Have you been to Mistress Field?"He asked. I stared at him which seemed like forever.

"Hello?"He asked waving his hand infront of my face.

"How do you Mistress Field?!"I nearly shriked

"When I was 13 I hit my head on the counter and split my head open. You can't go to Mistress Field. Don't go"He said warning me.

"What why?"I asked confused sitting up.

"It sucks you in. The mirror? Ya its a portal"He asnwered whispering.

"But,But its the only way to get better"I answered.

"No,you can't go back"He said strictly. I nodded quickly.

"You don't want to lose Alex do you?"He asked. I shook my head no.

"You will, if you go back."He asnwered.

"Why?"I asked. He sat on my bed.

"It starts making you see things. You think you see Alex,but you don't. You see "Fake Alex" "He answered.

"Okay?"I shook my head, I was confused as shit.

"Hey Kiddo! Hey Mickey!"Alex said greeting me and Matt.

"Hey faggot!"We said together laughing.

"Good news!"He siad.

"You and Jack finally came out of the closet?I asked. He stared at me. Jack ran in and licked Alex and kissed his cheek.

"I KNEW IT!"I screamed. A nurse came by and shushed me.

"Sorry"I muttered.Everyone bursted out laughing.

"Whats the good news?"I asked

"YOU CAN LEAVEE"Alex said dancing

"Yay!"I squealed.

"I'll get the doctor"Matt and Alex said getting up. I smiled.

15 minutes the doctor,Alex, Matt,Rian,Jack,Zack, Vinny,Evan,Grecio walked in.

"You leave with 2 and walk in with 9?!"I laughed.

"SKYLARRRRR!"They all said in a uproar and came running at me hugging me.

"YOU CAN GO HOMEEE!"They all siad smiling.I laughed.

"OKAY! Out,Out,OUT!"I laughed.

"Except for Alex,Alex help me up"I said. THey all left groaning and Alex closed the shades. He  came over and helped me stand up.

"That shirt'I said pointing to the one I made with all the guys two years ago with every single band we loved. Including ATL.

"Ow ow ow"I said as Alex pulled the night top off.

"It's off!"Alex siad and gave me the shirt. I pulled over wuickly and trying to avoid moving the stiches.

The pants and were easier,but my balance was hard thing to accomplish. Finally I had everything on,plus my makeup.

"All you need is a wheel chair"THe nurse said.

"NO!"Zack and I yelled. THe nurse backed up and everyone laughed.

"Come here Sky"Zack said. I walked over and Zack picked me up and smiled.

"That isn't safe.."The nurse said weirdly.

"I'm not safe. Have you seen my hospitla records?"I asked. She nodded.

"Exactly."I said as we walked out of the hospital.

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