Im so lost.

433 4 2

Sky's P.O.V

"1..2...3 CLEAR!" Someone yelled. What? My chest had a electrifing pain go threw my chest making me scream and black out.


until I opened my eyes again and I was back in the hospital Germany.

"She's back!" Someone yelled. I coughed and held my chest from pain.

"What?" I whispered.

"We lost you trying to take out your IV cords." The nurse said.

"WHat?" i asked

"You died for 5 mintues sweety. Why don't you rest while we pack your stuff so you can go home" The nurse said patting my arm. Instead of asking more questions, I nodded and laid back down until they told me to get up and get dressed.

"Your flight is 182. The pilot is Mark, the flight attendent is Tom and the man who will hold your stuff is Travs" The lady said who gave the guy my bags. I nodded.

"Good luck Skylar" The women said hugging, trying not to hurt me, I nodded and followed Travis to the plan. There were 14 other soldiers along with me. I sighed and slowly sat down


     I stepped into the bright airport, looking for a familiar face wether it was Alex, or Ben, or Ashton or anyone. After coming up empty handed I sighed and walked over to the conveyer and pulled off my small duffel bag. I smiled slightly at the man next to me and began my trek out of the airport into the dark night. I sighed, knowing I had no money. I got to walk home. At night. Alone. Glorious.

     As I walked I couldn't help the feeling that I was being watched. I glanced behind me, only to be met by stark silence. I shook it off and kept walking- until I felt a calloused hand clamp over my mouth and drag me into an alley, something hard connect with my head. The last thing I remember was seeing my capturers face before I blacked out

(THANK YOU ASHTON <333333333333333333333333333333333333333)

~Few Hours Later~

I moved, I felt umcomfortaly and in a displaced area. I moved my leg and clenched my teeth from screaming. A hand come down on my face.

"Get dressed, and get the fuck out of here" The voice growled. I looked to my right and nodded. The man took his hand off my face and pushed me out fo the bed. I caught myself in a push up mode and reached for my bra.

"Did you use protection?" I asked worridly slipping on my underpants.

"Ofcourse" The man said.I nodded and threw on my uniform.

"Which way to L.A.?" I asked as he pushed me out.

"Take a left then a right" He said and slammed the door.

I nodded and started walking. It was now bright out. I could see where I was going. I turned left, then right. I now understood where I was. After walking about 30 minutes,I heard my name.

"Sky?" Someone yelled. I turned my head,


"OMG SKY!!!" Ash,Ryane,and Ben came running at me..

"Why are you crying?" Ben asked when we got home. i was crying into his shoulder.

"I-I Got R-raped" I said in between sobs.

"Im sorry, did you just say raped?" He asked.

"Uh-huh" I said.

"ALEX." He screamed.

"Ya?" Alex asked with his head popping through the door way.

"Is she okay?" Alex asked.

"She got raped" Ben said furiously.

"Come with me Ben." Alex growled

Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora