You can't go.

455 3 3

Sky's P.O.V.

I sat at the counter reading the first line over and over and over again.

"Dear Miss Gaskarth, you have been accepted to the United States Army."

I couldn't believe it.

Then the date

"January 4th" 3.fucking.days.

I looked a the adress and saw the number. 999-777-0000. I grabbed the home phone and went to my room.

"United States Army,Maricol speaking" THe women on the other side said.

"Hi, this  is...this is..this Skylar Gaskarth" I finally made out.

"Yes, I have you up. Are you accepting or declining?" The women asked.

"Accepting" I whispered.

"Thank you. You will need to be at the airport at LAX in 3 days at 5:30 A.M." Maricol said.

"Okay. Do I get everything when we get the to center?" I asked.

"Yes, you will get your uniform and your shoes and everything. You were the only girl training right?" Mar asked.

"Okay. Ya, the other girl dropped out." I sighed.

"What size shirt are you?"




"Shoe size?"




"Thank you Skylar, good luck" She siad. I could hear her smiling.

"Thank you" I said and hung up.

I had to face them.













and the worst of all.


I stood up and walked downstairs where everyone was sitting.

"Guys" I whispered.

"Ya?"They all asked.

"I have some news" I said sitting down. Ben looked at me and walked over sitting next to me.

"Your not pregnent..are you?" He asked.

"Haha, no" I gave a weak laugh.

"Then whats up?"Alex asked. I took the paper out of my back pocket and read:

"Dear Miss Gaskarth, you have been accepted to the United States Army" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Your not going....right?"Ashton and Ryane asked.

"I'm going" I whispered.

"You can't"Ben said almost crying.

"I leave in 3 days" I whispered.

"No." Alex whispered. I nodded.

"Why?"Rian asked.

"I want to do this. I've always wnated to do this. I'm finally at the age where I can do this" I said with tears in my eyes. Ben hugged me. I started crying and hugged him back. Ash and Ryane came over and hugged me. The rest of the guys..just sat there.

~3 days later~

Sky's P.O.V.

"Flight to Iraq 213. Flight to Iraq" The overcom said. I stood up.

"Are you sure about this?"Alex and Ben asked. I nodded.

"Im going to miss you so much" Ash said crying hugging me.

"Ashton..shhh. i'll be home in like 5 months" i said triyng to sooth her.

"Come here." Ben said putting his arms out. I went and hugged him holding him.

"I lovve you" He whispered.

"i love you to" I whispered. We broke apart and we kissed.

"Hug me" Alex said. I started crying and hugged him and Ryane.

"Gaskarth" The guy called.  I looked at everyone and huged everyone again and kissed Ben again. I turned around.

"Bye guys" I said and walked off. Goobye California....hello Iraq.

Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt