But I'm new.

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Sky's P.O.V.

"Okay! Off the buses!" The commander in cheif yelled. We all disspersed and got off.

"People who will be on this misson to get Junam Helrit,Jermio Gelrich and Seldon Genf will be Skylar Gaskarth,Mark Jemmi,and Frank Serd." He said throwing us weapons,and protection.

"But I'm new and Jemmi and Serd have been here for 2 years" I said putting the bulletproof protection and tieing my boots.

"Ya Sarg! She's new! We don't want to lose her" Serd said.

"She's the only one who passed every test out of 24 new people. She's good trust me." Sargent Marc said.

"O-okay" I stuttered.

"Put your gas mask on, and always stay with Mark and Frank" Sargent Marc said handing me a gas mask.

"Okay" I said trying to sound confident. I felt like I was three again. Like entering a new school and Alex was telling me to make friends.

"Ready Sky?" Jemmi asked.

"Uh ya" I said.

"Good. We're taking that helicopter to were we are supposed to go" Frank said. I nodded and followed them to the helicopter jumping in and sat in the back seat.

"Okay heres the plan, we get there, THey are dropping us of atleast 4 miles away from where they are located. Gaskarth you go for Junam Helrit, Serd you go for Jermio Gelrich, and I will go for Seldon Genf" Mark finsihed.

"But dude. Helrit is like the fucking ruler. This is her first mission. Do you really want to send her?" Frank asked.

"You think you can handle it Sky?" Mark asked

"I should be capable." I said as firmly as possible.

"Your cool, I like you" Frank said,

"Thanks, I like you to" I laughed.

"Were hear" The pilot called.

"Ready?" Mark asked getting up. We stood up.

"Ready." I declared

"Ready brotha's" Frank said. We jumped off and started walking until we started getting shot at.

"Run!" Mark yelled shooting at the people killing two and throwing a grenade.

"GASKARTH, THIS WAY." Frank yelled. I starting running following him.

"Wheres Mark?" I asked as we finally got to the town where we were going.

"Right here" Mark said suddenly besides me.

"What happened?" I asked

"6 fucking of them."

"You got them?"I asked astonished

"Duh?" mark laughed

"Dude get used to it" Frank laughed pating my shoulder.

"We are here. Put the masks on and get your guns ready" Mark ordered. We followed and got everything ready.

The place looked like a dump as we started looking around and checking the rooms. We had split up.

Junam Helrit had dark grey hair, fit,and wore black.

The place I suspected smelled horrible. I finally found a room that was locked. I quickly said a prayer,before kicking the door open. A bunch of people turned around with guns and started shooting. I was able to dodge most of them before Mark got to my side and helped me. We had killed 5.

"He must be back there" I whispered pointing to the back room.

"If he his sleeping, quickly tie him up. If awake just shoot him in the head" Mark barely said.I nodded. We quickly did a knuckle thing before Mark left me. I moved past the dead bodies and got to the back room. Yup he was sleeping alright. I set me gun down and made sure noone was around. Nope. I made my way to the bed did this thing that at training they taught us, I tapped his mouth so he couldn't scream. H elooked straight at me with eyes wide. I quickly got his hands tied and then did his legs. I heard gun shots and my Radio went off.

"Yo, its Frank,got my guy repeat,got my guy dead "

"Its Mark, got my guy,dead,  Sky you there?"

"Ya I got him. Alive to." I replied

"Place is empty" Frank replied.

"Okay, meet at front" Mark said. I got the guy up struggling and grabbed my gun and made my way to front. There was military jeep in front. Frank and Mark were all ready in the car.

"Hey! Sky got  Helrit alive!" Frank exclaimed as  they put a bag over Helrit's head.

"  Nice job Sky" Mark said.

"Thanks" I said finally removing my gas mask as we traveled back to the base camp.

"They survived!" A few guys said.

"WOAH! Who got Helrit?" Sargent Marc asked as we went to command stance.

"Skylar Sir!" We said in unision.

"Relieve" He said. We put our hand downs and they brought Helrit somewhere.

"Gaskarth you got Helrit?" Sarg asked. I nodded and sat down to get a beer.

"Really good job" He said. I said thanks.

"Sup?" A man asked.

"Hi" I said.

"Whats your name?" He asked.

"Skylar Gaskarth" I replied. "Yourself?" I asked taking a swig of beer.

"Cole Jensen" He replied.

"Nice to meet you COle" I smiled.

"Who you have at home to look forward to?"

"Family, friends,my boyfriend." I sighed finally feeling really scared of never seeing anyone again. "YOu?"

"Wife,family,friends" He smiled sadly.

"Don't worry we will make it together" I smiled.

"I know." He laughed.

"Guys, come on lets go to bed" Frank said.

"Ya, I;m beat" I sighed. It was 1 in the morning. I followed everyone to our bunks. I was in Room 45 Bunk 23.  I slid offf my pants and shirt and put it on the table next to me. I slept in a white shirt and  black shirts.

~5 Hours later~

"UP! GET UP!" A voice boomed. I groaned and got out of bed.

"Today we will be fighting on our turf. Be careful, and don't get shot. Mail is here,






I ran over and grabbed my letter:

Dear Skylar,

Hey,it's Alex and Ashton and Ben. We misss you soooo muchhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ashton and I got married. It didn't feel right without you here :(. We seen you in 34 days! Ben says he loves you. Where are you stationed? Can't wait to see you soon!!!!!!







I almost started crying. I put it in my draw and put on my uniform and my boots. Me and 4 other girls got out of the room and walked to the mess hall.

34 Days just couldn't come sooon enough

Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt