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Ben's P.O.V

"What do you mean your not wearing your suit?!" Everyone yelled

"You don't have to either! I thought Alex told you!" i said back.

"Back in the room, get dressed, I don't want to hear anymore of this" Sky's aunt said pushing me back into my room.

"Listen to her"Alex warned

"But it's our wedding"

"Look Brucey, i travled from Maine to see Sky marry a british rock star,worst idea ever, but get your fucking ass in their you little cunt" She groweld. I nodded quickly and went into my room. I threw on the shirt and pants and and jacket and shoes and tried to make my hair look as neat as possible.

Sky's P.O.V

After finding out I had to wear the dress, Ry,Ash, and I ran upstairs to get the clothes on an manage to look somewhat presentable

"My family sucks" i mutttered while Ash did my hair and Ry did my make up.

"Tell me anout it" Ry muttered. I chuckled.

"COME ONNN. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO" Alex yelled. Ry added some more mascara and let me tell you, it looked perfect.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yerp." They replied. We ran down stais just in time for Alex and Ashton to walk out together.

"Ready?" My dad said taking my hand. I nodded and smiled. After everyone walked out the music started and it was my turn. We made our way down the stairs and everyone stood up. There was Ben.

"He hurts you, I have a shotgun" My dad muttered. I looekd down so noone saw my laughing. We stopped and my dad kissed my cheek and I went to Ben's side.

"You look dashing" He said.

"Thanks, so do you." I smiled.

"Do you Ben take, Skylar, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" He smiled putting the ring on my finger.

"Do you Skyalr-"

"I do" I said taking a rng and placing it on his finger.

"You may kiss the bride"The priest said. Be put cupped his hands around my cheek and kisssed me (no shit-.-) Everyone clapped and stood up.

"Nice to meet you Skylar Bruce" Ben whispered.

"Nice to meet you Ben Bruce" I whispered.

"I  like the way Sky Bruce sounds" He whispered. I couldn't agree more.

Ya my brothers famous..what does your brother do for a living?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें