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Okay, so as you all know, I haven't been updating. 

I was in one of my classes today and I was talking to a friend who also has a Wattpad. Somehow we got into the topic of updating stories. Then it hit me that I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING.

I feel really bad and I am really sorry about that, however, I have reasons.

Reason 1: I have been busy. I've been busy getting ready for school and actually going to school.

Reason 2: I haven't been on my period.

Reason 3: I haven't exactly felt like updating. I made this diary at first because it was super fun and helped b relieve period stress. But like I said, I haven't been on my period.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: I want you all to know that even if its a slow update schedule, I will try to update once a week or more days depending if I am on my period or not. So I hope you will stick around even if its just an update a week.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: I have gotten a few messages asking me to update, and this shows me that a lot of you care about this diary. I want you all to know that I appreciate every last one of you! You all mean o much to me and I can't thank you enough for sticking around.


Yours Truly


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