First Thoughts

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Ever wonder what he first thought of you when he first saw you? Well wonder no more! I'm sorry I saw this idea in another fanfiction and I thought it was the absolute cutest idea! So here you go!

Cody Carson:

Hmm? What? Oh, a, um, French Horn mouthpiece. Yeah! That's what that is. I should probably give it back to the owner. It must be-

Oh my God! She's perfect! She's so beautiful! Wait, I know her. It's Y/n! I've seen her around campus. She's in my, history, yeah history! She's so smart! She's also so, well, wow.

Wait she asked me a question. Crap um, oh yeah, this morning. Ok she smiled. Ugh, I'm going to vomit. No, don't. God that's the LAST thing you want to do. Just smile and act cool.

Easier said than done Cody! I know, I know. Ugh, I sound like a total loser. Hopefully she's not turned off by that. Not that I want to turn her on. I just want her to like me. Not like like me like me.

Ugh even in my head I sound like a loser. Just try to act cooler?


Maxx Danziger:

All I need is two dozen donuts. That's IT! No adding more, no coffee, nothing. Just two dozen donuts- and her.

Wait did I really just think that? I mean she's cute, but NO I only need two dozen donuts. Dang she looks gorgeous. She has pretty hair and dazzling eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. Those sparkling, (E/C) eyes...

MAXX! DONUTS! The guys will get mad if you don't get the donuts NOW. But she seems so unhappy. I should say something to make her smile. I'm sure she has a pretty smile. She seems like the girl who loves to smile and laugh and sing and have fun and enjoy life...

DONUTS! Wait, what donuts did I need? Crap! Umm... Just say random names and hope the guys aren't too mad. Also uh, say something funny. Maybe she'll laugh.

Oh good, she laughed. Score one for Maxx D! Now, um, get her number. Wait no...

Donuts! Just donuts.

Zach DeWall:

Oh my God, my friends can be so stupid sometimes! Oh crap! There's a girl over there. Ok guys, please don't do anything stupid, PLEASE don't do anything stupid!

Yep, they said something stupid. Awesome. Just great. I feel bad now.

Wow, she's got spunk. I like it. She seems fearless, feisty even. Ok, that's hot. No wait, not hot, sexy. No I mean that's cool for her.

Agh, ok, calm yourself Zach. It's just another girl. This is probably just "I see her once and never again" moment. H*ck, I'll be LAUGHING about this tomorrow. Just apologize for your moronic friends and get on your way.

Actually, maybe I want to see her tomorrow. She seems cool. Also she's got a cool name. Yeah, I'll see if I can find someone who knows her number tomorrow.


Dan Clermont:

Oh look, it's (F/n). I haven't seen her in awhile and HELLO! Who is that? I haven't seen her before. I wonder if she's a Freshie? No, no she looks to old to be a Freshie. I got it! Sophomore Mafia! That's it. Wow, me too! I should go talk to her, she looks pretty miserable. I wonder what's eating her?

Wait, why am I still here? I need to go up and talk to her. But, I don't really, want to. I mean I do but don't at the same time. Hmm. This is unusual. I usually am very bold when it comes to talking to girls.

Whatever, swallow your pride Danny Boy. You're going to talk to this sad mystery girl.


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