Cody Carson's Song: I Need a Hero

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A/N So you know how I said I would make these happy and fluffy? Yeah, well I lied on this one. I made it more gory than I intended. So if you don't like when people mention blood, probably shouldn't read this one. Sorry. But it's not self harm or depression so I didn't lie about that.

Um, about the song. I did chose nightcore, so if you don't care for that, I suggest you look up the song on YouTube and find a version you like. Other than that, enjoy.

"Y/n? Y/n where are you?" Cody called as he walked around our house.

I watched with wide eyes, tears threatening to spill. I shook my head trying to get my kidnapper to turn it off. I couldn't bear it.

"Oh, what's wrong?" The shadows asked. "Can't stand watching your oblivious boyfriend look for you when you only have, oh, about three hours left to live?"

The tears started to drip and I dropped my head. If they weren't going to turn it off, I wasn't going to look. It hurt too much.

"You know what? I'm bored. You now have an hour." They cackled as my head shot up and I screamed against my gag. "Now I'm having fun!"

Where have all the good men gone

And where are all the gods

Where's the street-wise Hercules

To fight the rising odds

Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed

Late at night toss and turn and dream of what I need

"What's this?" I mumbled before picking up a piece of paper on the floor. I opened it too see a shocking message that read: I have the one you love. Better find her before her time runs out and you never see her again.

I dropped the note, hands shaking. After a small pause, I grabbed my keys and raced to my car. I let the engine roar to life before tearing out of the parking a lot. I knew that handwriting like the back of my hand. It was none other than Maxx Danziger's.

And it was a "shame", I knew exactly where he lived.

I need a hero

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night

He's gotta be strong

And he's gotta be fast

And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

"Hmm, he finally got the message. But he was a little late." The Shadows hissed.

I heard the click of someone opening a pocket knife. I tried to move the chair away from whoever it was, but a gloved hand snatched a fistful of my hair and pulled it back. They placed the knife against my neck and my eyes widened in fear. I couldn't stop shaking and the tears couldn't stop falling.

"Shhh." They tried to soothe my nerves. "It'll be over before you know it."

And with that, they cut a neat line from my temple, down my cheek, across my jaw, and stopping at my chin. Blood started to run and I couldn't stop screaming. I was going to die from blood loss before Cody could even come close to finding me.

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