I smartly avoid the messages like they are a plague (which, in this case, they are), praying and hoping that by the time I'll be done with the other messages, that it would be gone by then. What? I have Faith!

Or maybe I am beginning to see things now. Lack of Oxygen maybe. Moreover my room suddenly seems stuffy. Is it just me, or did I just become claustrophobic?

I grudgingly get up from my bed and walk towards the door. I finally came out of my room after like, twelve hours of solitude. Its 8pm and the moon seems to be out, full. I look back at my phone, after I find a seat in front of the house, and stare at the remaining sixteen unread messages.

I had practically ran away from school immediately after the incident yesterday. I met Chris at the entrance of the hall before I stepped out and the look on his face was enough to tell me that I am not going to go free from this particular offense which I didn't even know I committed.

For crying out loud, she came to me of her own free will. It's not like she was hypnotized or something,. She was even smiling for God's sake. Okay I have to stop thinking of her smile!

Maybe it was a plot by the both of them, just so that Chris would find another reason to torture me the more. That actually makes sense right now. Why else would she want to be seen near me of all people?

I open the thread and, as expected, find ALL forms of threats therein;

'What were you doing with my girlfriend in class today?' Girlfriend?, dude she just arrived!

'You're a dead man' I know, I get that a lot.

'Meet me tomorrow, 9am at Garuba square'. Sorry I didn't see that. I quickly deleted that message and continued reading.

'Where the hell are you?' Uhm, probably having breakfast then.

'Don't make me come over to your house there'. I forgot you know where I live. Not good AT ALL.

'Reply your messages you coward'. I wasn't even online.

'Have you seen Jessica today?' I barely even saw the sun today.

'Is she with you?' I wish. What am I saying! Stop overthinking, Jay.

'God help you if Jessica is there with you' Is this guy being serious right now or what!

And the thread goes on, I basically skip the rest but my eye rested on the last message:

'I'll see you on Monday, Jay'. Okay, now am scared.

I slap my legs in an attempt to kill the mosquito that wants to suck the life out of my already miserable life. No thanks, I don't want to share with you. I don't bother looking at my palms to know if I killed the parasite or not. I never do but at least the slap keeps them away for some time.

I lazily update my status and leave the social media. I decide to play Clash of Kings to while away time.

Great the application is not responding. I'm starting to think that today is cursed. No, scratch that, My life is cursed.
I try again and get the same response. I stand up from where am seating, irritated and start heading to my room.

"Jeremiah" I heard someone call. What is she still doing awake by this time of Saturday night.

"Naeche, what are you doing awake?" I ask Joy as she steps out to the front of the house.

"Nothing, sleep is not coming" she explains

"Okay oo," I reply, "who was that that came in the afternoon today?" I ask, trying to start up a conversation.

"I don't know her" she said, then looked at me "she was looking for you"

"For me?" I asked surprised because I NEVER have visitors. "Who did the person say she was Abeg, please"

"I think she said she's from your department " She paused then added "And that her name was Jessica"

Oh Ma God!!!


Okay, that was a major breakthrough.

Question: Are there consequences for Jessica's actions?

I'd say no of you asked me.. Who knows?

Don't forget to:





Love y'all.

I Don't Do Friendsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن