"Tachihara, Gin, this is my new subordinate- [Y/N]. She's the one that I've mention before during our discussion." Hirotsu greeted, introducing us to each other.

Gin glared at me, keeping a hard cold expression on her face. Tachihara kept his arms crossed, he pressed his lips into a thin line before speaking up.

"What can you do?" He asked. Before I could answer, Hirotsu spoke up for me.

"Why don't we let her surprise us?" He said as a smile small appeared on his face.

I cocked an eyebrow, looking at Hirotsu. Tachihara rolled his eyes and sighed. Gin's glare going away, yet keeping her eyes still on me.

"Alright, you know the plan. Tachihara and Gin, you go back and hit the left side, we go from the front and hit the right side. Stick to the plan, Got it?" He ask.

They all nodded and started running off into a different direction. We started running towards the entrance. Once we were in front of the building, Hirotsu walked up to the massive doors and touched it. Within seconds the door blasted away from us and inside the building. My eyes widened as I heard the door colliding with various different things, creating a big mess.

We went inside, there were aisles and aisles filled with packages. Carts with gun cases were everywhere. Many workers looked at us with fear in their eyes. Hirotsu voice quickly filled the silent room.

"Excuse us, but we're here to eliminate some rats." He said loudly, before men started running into aisles, shooting the workers inside them.

I joined in, going into an aisle and beginning to reluctantly kill the workers there. Having the option to not use my abilities, I used the guns that were strapped to the side of my legs. Hirotsu didn't really do much but watch me and the others around him.

As soon as I stood in front of the aisle, I swiftly shot and killed about 5 men there. I killed a few more that were running around and hiding. Other than that, it went by really fast.

We all met up at the front. Hirotsu was choking a man with his hands, who was gasping desperately for air. Once we were all together, he asked him a few questions, which the man refused to answer. Hirotsu dropped him on the ground and ordered him to fight me.

"If you win a hand to hand combat battle with my subordinate, then we'll let you live." Hirotsu offered, lighting up a cigarette.

The man looked at me as Hirotsu nodded his head in my direction. I placed my gun inside their holders on the side of my legs. The man frowned and looked back at Hirotsu.

"She has weapons on her. She'll probably cheat." The man sneered.

"[Y/N]." Hirotsu sighed in annoyance.

Hirotsu nodded towards Tachihara, signaling me to give him any weapons on me. I pulled out both of my guns and three knives and handed them to Tachihara. He studied my guns, messing around with them. Before I could say anything to him, I felt a hard hit across my cheek.

The collision made me loose my balance momentarily. I glared at the man who was now grinning. My hands turned into fists, I kept them close to my face. I got into a fighting stance, dodging another punch he threw at me.

Putting all my strength into it, I quickly punched him in the nose. The man fell back, the hit knocking him out. My knuckles throbbed in pain as I reverted back into a normal position, letting my cloak fall over my body once again.

My cheek hurt a little, but the pain was nothing to me. I had been in so many fights that being punched in the face didn't really hurt that much anymore. I was used to it.

I took my guns out of Tachihara's hand without warning. His eyes kept lingering onto them until they disappeared under my cloak. He gave me back my knives and we began walking out.

As we drove back to the Mafia, Hirotsu asked me some questions about myself. What I was doing in the Guild, my purpose, my abilities, my past. He was kind enough to switch the subject if I gave him the vibe that I was uncomfortable.

Later on, he said that I would begin having training session with one of the executives in the Mafia, to better my hand to hand combat abilities.

Chuuya Nakahara.



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