I Still Love You

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I wasn't the happiest I'd ever been waking up in Zane's arms the next morning, but I couldn't say it was the worst position I'd ever woke up in my either.

He had one arm under me, curled around my hip, the other was draped over my chest, a little too close to my breast. His face was nuzzled against the crook of my neck, his warm breath sending involuntary shivers through me. The second I shifted my body, he jolted, sitting upright.

"Are you okay?" he asked, taking in his surroundings. "Shit."

"Language." I mumbled, feeling myself flush as I sat at the end of the bed. "Liam's in here."

"Liam is a few months old, he won't remember any of this." Zane said, crouching down with a grimace. "Where is my shirt?"

I opened my mouth to tell him to look somewhere in the house, pausing when I looked down to find I was in it. I jumped up, throwing my hands over my chest as if I were naked.

"We didn't-" I stopped myself, shaking my head as I tried to recall what happened last night.

I had no alcohol in my system, so why couldn't I remember getting into this shirt or anything else that happened after Zane handed Liam back over to my mom? Had I been that exhausted?

"I don't think so." Zane scratched his head. "But you in my shirt and me in nothing but boxers doesn't look too good."

"You don't remember either?" I whispered.

He shook his head. "I had like four exams and had to run the track yesterday, not mention walk here from school. I'm sorry if I was tired, Paige."

"You don't have to be such an ass." I snapped, then caught myself. "I meant jerk."

His eyes suddenly dropped from my eyes to my abdomen. "Does it like, you know, feel like we did it?"

"You guys didn't have sex." McKenna appeared in the doorway, a carrier full of coffee in one of her hands. "Paige called me last night drunk. When I got here, she had thrown up all over her clothes."

"I wouldn't drink, I-" the words fell flat when flashes of last night began to resurface.

I had taken one of the small bottles of liquor from my dad's cabinet after getting off the phone with Molly. She had asked me a ton of questions about Marcus before explaining that someone at school was spreading rumors that I had slept with him yet again. I had no doubt in my mind it had been the devil himself that had done it, and I hadn't been able to focus, so I downed the bottle by myself. I had no memory of what happened afterward.

"I checked your Facebook page, and I highly suggest you don't go on right now." my best friend stated, handing the coffee to Zane.

In the fifteen years I'd known him, I hadn't ever seen Zai look so embarrassed. His cheeks were flushed, eyes on the ground, even his body was tense. I knew all he wanted was to get out of my bedroom and house as soon as possible.

"Zane, wait." I caught his elbow. He started to shake my hand off, but he hesitated on moving forward.

"Thank you." I slipped my arms around his waist and smiled. It was nearly nonexistent, but I felt a slight flutter deep in the bit of my stomach when I felt his arms circle around me and hug my body against him.

He pulled away a second later and ran the back of his hand over my cheek. "I told you I'd make up for my mistakes, for Mark's. I'm here, Paige. You aren't going to be able to get rid of me."

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