I Need Sex and I Know It

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There's always one childhood memory that sits in the back of your mind, always wanting to crawl back into your whirlwind of thoughts.

That memory for me wasn't a happy one. I pushed it out before it could slip in, and had no plans of ever reliving it again. As I weaved through the quiet aisles of Target with Zane, the memory tickled the back of my mind.

The last time I had gone to a department store with anyone but my family, it had been Marcus at my side. He hadn't grown into himself quite yet back then and stood a foot taller than me and couldn't stay one pant size for the life of him. It had been a little after the Seven Minutes In Heaven incident and we had slowly started to drift apart. He even kept a few paces ahead, and it wasn't because his longer strides.

Catching glimpses of Zane out of the corner of my eye, I could feel my gut clench and the little I'd eaten at breakfast starting to come up. At certain angles, he looked so much like his older brother that I couldn't stare at him for any longer than a few seconds without feeling a mix of emotions. It wasn't fair for my anger and bitterness to be taken out on Zane, and it was going to take a lot of trust and compassion on my part to be able to treat him differently.

In ways, he was no more than the little boy who used to tag along everywhere I went with his older brother. He still had the boyish smirk and mischievous look in his striking eyes. In other ways, he was a different person entirely. He despised the thought of being mistaken for his brother; he hated his brother. He had grown into himself, even more so than Marcus ever had. The clean cut face I had grown so used to seeing was now shadowed with light stubble, making him appear a few years older. It was impossible for me to view him as that same little boy now, and I still wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"Liam's whimpering." Zane pointed out, slowing the cart. I shook all previous thoughts from my head and walked around to pull the blue blanket from where it laid over the carrier.

Liam was stirring, small hands clutching at the air as tears pooled in his beautiful Dryer blue eyes. I leaned in and plucked him out of it, caressing the back of his small head with my thumb.

His right hand took the collar of my blouse and gripped it tightly, head slowly moving as his whimpering died out.

"Oh My God! Paige Banner?" a familiar voice squeaked. "And you're Mark's little brother, right?"

I saw disgust break out across Zane's voice the second the voice registered in his head. I had only met the girl once before at Nancy's table at lunch a year or so ago. It was a miracle she remembered my name.

The girl was so tall and perfect that I felt like nothing more than a little girl in her shadow. With long legs, perfect golden locks, and bright green eyes, she looked like the stereotypical cheerleader out of every coming-of-age movie ever. From what I knew of her, she was far from a bitch and just tended to be a little dense.

"Hi." I offered the best smile I could. Before I could catch what she said, my eyes fell on the boy trailing behind her. He was one of the band and video geeks at school; that one guy that was always behind a camera or instrument. He had always been labeled as a little odd, and it was shocking to see him wandering after Molly like a lost puppy.

The moment she approached us, she slapped her hands against her cheeks. "Oh, look how precious he is!"

I bounced Liam slightly in my arms, laughing nervously as the band geek joined us.

"Is he yours?" she asked, clicking her tongue against her teeth as she stared lovingly at the baby in my arms.

Zane stepped between us. "Not that it's any of you business, but he's mine."

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