I Want To Be A Cool Kid

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The last thing I was expecting to be greeted by walking through the front doors of the school first thing Monday morning was Molly Stevens.

In the ten years we'd gone to school together, she had acted as if I were just part of the scenery. Passing her in the hall, she nearly threw herself in my path and started laughing obnoxiously loud. I knew it was to draw attention, and I couldn't say I was too pleased by it. I braced myself for what was to come, knowing that it was too much to hope she'd keep her mouth shut.

"Oh My God, you look gorgeous!" she exclaimed, her blonde curls bouncing outstretched her hand to take a strand of my hair in between her fingers. "You've got to tell me what brand of conditioner you use."

I shifted under the gazes of most of the people lingering in the hallway. "It's just a generic brand."

"Molls, what are you doing?" Nancy broke through a small crowd of people in her cheer uniform, clearly having trouble trying to tie her hair up. "Leave Paige alone."

The girls exchanged a look before Molly turned back to me. "I'm serious, Paige. You should totally sit with us at lunch."

I looked toward Nancy for confirmation that it wasn't some kind of set up for a prank, but she looked just a confused as I felt.

"Look, Paige. I know you don't have a reason to trust me, but I really do want to talk. It'll be fun." Molly tried again, offering a genuine smile. I could feel myself starting to nod, relieved the bell was seconds from ringing and she hadn't mentioned anything about Liam.

"Sure. I'll join you guys, I guess." I responded. Molly clapped before turning and heading back toward her boyfriend across the hall. Nancy closed the gap between us and leaned in so none of the people crowded around us could hear.

"I'll make sure she isn't up to anything." without another word, she hurried after her best friend and left me in the middle of the crowd trying to figure out what the hell just happened.


I had no doubt in my mind that Zane would be pissed once he realized he'd be sitting alone at lunch. Most of his friends were outside of school or had already graduated, so I was really it when it came to socializing in school. I thought about inviting him over to the table, but knew that it would be a source of intruding if I did it without asking the girls first.

My eyes scanned the cafeteria for McKenna, but she was already at Molly's table, her legs stretched across Leo Rivera's lap as she ate.

"Kenna." I greeted, falling into the vacant seat beside the couple.

She spun around with a grin. "Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't go to Mark's party with you last night. I think I aced that test, if it makes you feel any better."

"It's fine, Kenna." I waved her apology off. "Of course you did. I'm surprised you haven't skipped a grade."

"I'm not Matthew Dryer." she grumbled, draping her arms around Leo's neck.

He kissed the side of her head and plucked a french fry from her tray, hazel eyes shining with amusement. When they had gotten so warm and cozy was beyond me.

McKenna had been crushing on him since elementary school, never able to confess her feelings. When a rumor went around that he was going to ask her out, she finally stepped up and told him her feelings a couple months ago. My mind had been so caught up in Liam and the whole Dryer mess that I had been totally oblivious to my best friend's new relationship.

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