Not A Party Girl In A Party World

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Plastic. We live in a plastic world with Barbie and Ken dolls around every corner.

My parents assured my brother and I our entire life that being a little different is never a bad thing. There was no need to be a plastic girl living in a world made of angels flying on Pegasuses.

Every girl wants to be something, someone, to another person. They want to wear their hair beautifully and cake themselves in makeup until there's no sign of the girl she used to be underneath; even worse, most blame their mistakes and how they look on other people.

But who is it that we're really trying to impress when we walk through the front doors of the school and strode down the hallway with a skirt barely reaching legs and a crop top that hardly covered the chest? Was it really that popular guy that showed a little interest in you at that party last weekend? Is it honestly that cheer captain that tended to get rumors about you to spread like fire through the school?

Or is the reason you change your self completely for your own satisfaction?

Contemplating everything in my head, I watched my best friend's dark hands dance around my face, applying every item of makeup I owned. I had spent over an hour trying on dresses that had been in the back of my closet for years, the long, confusing time came to an end when she stalked in on me in a lacy, black, knee length dress that hugged a little too tightly.

"It looks great." She had clapped enthusiastically. "Not tight enough for your ladies to fall out, but enough for everyone to see your sexy figure. God, I wish I had a body like yours."

After her compliment, she hadn't said a word. Her focus was on trying to get the makeup on me before Mark's party started. It would take about twenty minutes to get to the Dryer Manor; considering it was a gated community, we knew it would be a hassle to get into with the line of cars that would be wrapped around the walls and pouring out on to the street.

Mckenna leaned forward and brushed a strand of my curled bangs out of my eyes, "You look amazing!"

"Thanks to you." I responded with a grin as I pushed up from my computer chair and hurried over to the mirror.

The girl staring back was glowing with confidence, her smile lighting up her jade eyes. The black dressed curved around her waist and forced eyes to her pushed up breasts.

The girl staring back was nothing like the quiet drifting Paige Banner behind the mask.

"We better go. Marcus' party starts in forty-five minutes. If we get there in about ten, we'll be in before all the bullshit starts with the cars." She grabbed her black cardigan from where it was lying in the middle of my white comforter and darted out my door before I could blink.

Ripping my purse from the chair, I watched it spin and twirl until it hit the bed post. Giving myself a quick thumbs up in the mirror for confidence, I ran after Mckenna, hitting the lights on the way out.

We found my parents on the couch, Mom hugging my baby sister against her chest with a motherly smile. Dad was lounged in a kitchen chair, going through old paper work in a blue folder.

As if it were some sort of instinct, his head snapped up as soon as I paused halfway to the door, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Marcus is throwing a party." I smiled sweetly, hoping the mention of the hometown hero would make him reconsider transferring into Overprotective Dad Mode

"Mark? I didn't know you were on speaking terms again." his chapped lips curved downward as his graying eyebrows shot up.

"We're friends again." I lied smoothly, "I thought I told you! It must have slipped my mind."

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