Somebody Told Me

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Some part of me wished I could lay in my bed for the rest of my life, my face nuzzled into the crook of Zane's neck as his own warm breath tickled my forehead.

I had spent so long without any close human contact, that it felt nice to have the warmth of Zane's body beside mine. I didn't feel any sort of romantic connection with it, I just liked feeling like I had someone to fall back on; literally.

As if he could sense I was awake, a hint of a smile began to play at his lips. "Good morning."

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I breathed, gesturing toward the nonexistent space between our bodies. He rested his head back against his pillow with a small smile.

"Very much so." he muttered. I untangled myself from his comforting embrace and leaned over the side of my bed, my fingers gently massaging my temples.

I could feel the bed cave slightly as he shifted. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No." I scratched at my neck. "It's just. . . I feel guilty, you know. About everything It feels like someone stacked weights on my shoulders and I have two choices. If I try to move in any direction, I'll collapse under them."

"The second decision?" Zane breathed.

"If I just tell him, just get it all off my chest, the weights might be lifted." I answered quietly.

He stayed quiet for a few minutes, as if he were contemplating his next move.

"I don't think we should tell him," he paused momentarily, "yet."

"Yet?" I repeated.

He stretched his arms behind his head as he leaned into the headboard, yawning.

"I think we should try to figure out for sure who left the damn baby. If we tell him right now, he'll want evidence, Paige. He'll think it's some sort of sick joke, he won't believe it." he explained further in detail.

"He'll believe me."

"Will he really, Paige? Do you honestly believe that?" Zane snapped.

I clenched my bed sheets in my hands and shook my head to myself, eyes trained on my shut bedroom door. I began to rise to check on Liam, stopped by Zane's hand curling around my wrist.

"We need to find his mother. Someone had to have seen a pregnant girl around here, Pai." he sat up, "Aren't you even a little bit curious as to why she would leave Liam with you? She knew you were the one in the room after Mark left, she wanted her son to be left in your care."

"So? What sort of lead does that give us, Zane? Most of the school knows who I am; hell, most of the town knows my name. Not to mention there were over a hundred people at that party. It could have been anyone." I retorted.

He ruffled his dark locks with a sigh. "We need to try and find her."

"We need to tell Mark."

For a moment, we exchanged a look. In the matter of seconds, I had cowered down and fallen back on to the bed beside him, knowing very well one of us had already won the fight and it wasn't me.


Keeping Liam quiet all morning and a secret from the hungover eighteen year old hunched over the toilet down the hall proved to be a challenge. Any time I heard the flushing from the room down the hall, I shifted Liam in my arms to insure that he didn't start crying. By the time Zane was able to sneak out of the room to drive his brother back home, the baby boy in my arms had begun to doze.

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