If You're An Ass and You Know It Clap Your Hands

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My eyes scanned every girl in my line of vision the moment I walked through the front doors of my high school. In the three and a half years I had walked the halls of the high school, I had never taken to time to examine my surroundings. They had become a background, something I passed by every day. Staring around me, I couldn't help but notice just how much I missed over the years.

I caught McKenna's mop of unruly dark curls out of the corner of my eye. She was skipping toward me like she had in grade school, the smile on her face growing when she realized she had my full attention.

"You are not going to believe what happened Friday night!" my best friend hopped around giggling. "I spent the entire night with Leo Rivera."

"Leo Rivera?" I echoed. "You mean the baseball player?"

She rolled her dark eyes dramatically. "No, the other Leo Rivera. Yes, Paige! That Leo Rivera."

"Did. . . you. . ." I stuttered.

"Did you?" she retorted, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

I started down the hall toward my first period so I wouldn't be late when the first bell nearly deafened us all.


She blocked my way to my English classroom at the end of the hall, eyes roaming my face.

"Something happened, your blushing."

"Nothing happened, Kenna." I met her eyes so she understood that I would appreciate if the subject was changed.

"Did he hurt you? Because I've got people who know people that could kick his ass." she threatened, balling her hands into tight fists. I couldn't fight the smile that broke out across my face at the sight of my four foot eight best friend trying to be intimidating.

I smoothed my hair and sighed. "He didn't hurt me, Kenna. Even if he did, I'm sure he wouldn't be afraid of you."

"Why is that? Am I not intimidating enough for you?" she began jogging in place, hands still tight fists in front of her face.

"You could definitely scare me." I said, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "A six foot three idiot with the ego the size of Texas? I'm not so sure."

She stuck her tongue out childishly before dragging me into our English classroom, falling into her usual seat behind me. I pulled my notebook from my backpack quietly, keeping my eyes and focus on it so McKenna didn't think I was in a talkative mood.

My heart knew the right thing to do would be to tell my best friend why I was acting so weird; why Friday night had turned out so shitty. She knew everything about me, and sooner or later she was going to find out anyway. Maybe it was the small part of me that was in fear that she'd force me to tell Marcus that held me back from doing so.

"Are you going to the pep rally tonight?" McKenna whispered, kicking the back of my chair until I shot her an annoyed look over my shoulder.

"To watch everyone give the entire football team even egos so big they won't be able to fit through the door?" I laughed, "No thanks."


If there was one thing my best friend had over me; it was her ability to explode like a firecracker. Everyone in school was aware of the explosion that would be caused if McKenna Williams were to hear even the a whisper of a rumor spread about her. Most guys ran in the other direction in fear she would kill them, most girls were too afraid of her to go anywhere near her. I'd have to say it was my favorite thing about her.

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