Chapter 26: Prom Part 1

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Selena's POV;

"Wake up, sleepy head! There is absolutely no time to sleep in! Today is the day. I already picked out your thong. It's black and pink, by the way." Amanda yelled in my ear.

"Get away from me and let me get my tea." I demanded, pushing her aside and going to the kitchen. She, of course, followed.

"You sound like my grandma. So, after you have your tea, I am going to be taking you to the spa to get your nails and toes done, and a nice face mask to revive you're wonderful face." She informed me, excitement laced in her voice.

"You know, you don't have to do this for me. All I need to do if put on makeup, do my hair, and get my dress on." I told her. I really didn't need everything she was giving me.

"Nonsense, you are going to look beautiful tonight and make Oliver sweat out of horniness. Now go get dressed, the spa appointment starts at 12:00." She shooed me back up to my room once I was done. I chuckled to myself at the thought of her caring for me.

After I got my nails done, which was a simple black nail polish with a white flower design, the lady put on this cucumber face mask on Amanda and I.

"Well, don't we look like models." I joked, examining the mask in the mirror. I heard her chuckle softly behind me.

"Amanda, can I ask you something?" I asked her.

"Anything, darling."

"D-do you think Oliver would ever cheat on me? I mean, he promised he would never, and I just, I don't know." I sighed in frustation.

"Listen, I could really see in his eyes all the love he holds for you. I don't think he would ever, and if he does, I'll kick his arse!" She joked.

"I just feel so damn worthless ever since I cheated on him, but I was drunk out of my mind. But what if that's not even a good enough excuse for even God?" I tried to hold back any tears that threatened to fall.

"God forgives everybody, and you are anything but worthless, okay? Just stop worrying. If anything goes wrong at prom, call me as soon as possible." She told me. I promised her I would and we continued our somehwat relaxing time at the spa.

"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH PLAYTIME. Get in the shower while I set up your makeup and dress. Go, you slow poke!" She demanded, laughing a bit.

"Okay, okay, mom." I grabbed my underwear, bra, and lounge wear. I went into the bathroom and stripped, going into the steamy water.

I had so much on my mind. What if I am a disappointment to Oliver when I see him? I need to stop thinking so much. I mean, tonight is prom. Prom is supposed to be the night of your life, right?

Once I was done and made sure I was squeaky clean, I got out and half rushed on my clothes. I wrapped my hair in a towel and made my way to my room, finding Amanda neatly laying my dress on my bed.

"Alright, now come here. You shall not move, blink, and flinch while I'm creating my masterpiece on your face."  She instructed, I obeyed as she checked the time on her wrist. "It's almost 3:30 and prom starts at 8:00, we'll make it."

She starts to do my makeup, which takes an hour for her to finally finish. "Finished, and it looks fucking amazing!" She exclaimed, handing me a mirror.

I examined the perfectly put on makeup and grinned widely. "It looks awesome, I love you so, so, so much!" I hugged her and took the towel out of my hair.

"Now the hair." She told me, motioning me to sit back down. She turned on the blowdryer and started to blowdry my hair as I answered any texts that I didn't answer.

Good Girl Gone Bad (Oliver Sykes FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang