Chapter 4

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A/N; This chapter gets a bit triggering! Please be cautious when you read, and stay strong lovelies. x

Selena's POV;

I woke up to the sound of my mom shaking me awake for dinner. Ugh I hate it when people interrupt my sleep.

I got out of bed and slowly walked down the rugged stairs. My little brother, Michael, was sitting at the table playing with his toy cars. "Michael no playing with toys at the dinner table." Michael dropped them on the floor and started eating. I sat down and was still out of daze from my long nap. I looked at the time and it was 8:00 at night, I must've been tired.

After I finished eating I went back upstairs and checked my phone, one new message from Melanie. Hey Selena, it's Melanie! I wanted to give you more information about my party. So it's at my house, it starts at 7:30 and you can sleepover if you want. Claire can pick you up. My party's next Friday and there will be no parents involved (; hope you can make it! (: -Melanie x

Once I read it I looked around my room for makeup. And I didn't have any but mascara and half finished eyeliner.

Okay thanks! I'll be able to come, can we visit the mall this weekend? I need to get some makeup and clothes for your party. It seems big so I wanna look presentable. :) -Selena x

I thought about earlier today, what was the whole bathroom thing about? Did Oliver really think I started this whole mess? Then I remembered the things he did and called me.. It just made me feel more worthless.

I went under my bed and took out my miniature jewelry box. I opened it up and saw shining, sharp metal. They were my friends.. They are there when I need them. "They" are my blades.

I took one out and made two cuts on my wrist, hurt like hell, but felt amazing. I'm so sick. I hate Oliver. What did I ever do to him. I dabbed the cuts with a tissue and put my blades back. Then I put my bracelets back on and pretended nothing ever happened.

My phone beeped and it was Melanie. I was so fazed by the cuts I made I didn't even look at the text until five minutes after.

Finally, I looked at my phone and it read,

Sure! What about this Saturday? I'm free. I can invite my friends you met at lunch today. -Melanie x

My thumbs were hovering over the keyboard, wondering what to type back.

Sure, I'm probably free on Saturday. Now I just gotta find money :p -Selena x

I needed to shower, too much on my mind. I went to the bathroom and stripped, going into the hot, relaxing water of the shower. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.


It was 11:00 at night and I was extremely bored. So I decided to make a Facebook, once I was started, I started to add Melanie, Claire, Mary-Alice, and Sam. I just posted a random selfie as my profile picture.

Then I got a new request, "Oliver Sykes wants to be your friend." Um what. I declined, I don't want him contacting me.

I close my laptop and just shut off my light, I needed sleep.


I woke up at 6:30 am from my annoying alarm clock. I slid out of my bed and looked in my mirror, ew. I need to fix myself.

I turned on my curling iron, I decided to curl my hair. I went downstairs to get some cereal. My mom was already making her coffee, so I just grabbed a bowl and cereal with milk. I quickly ate remembering my curling iron was on.

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