Chapter 19

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*Two Days Later*

Selena's POV;

Today is me and Oli's one month anniversary and well, let's just say I have no idea what's coming, gift wise. I bought Oliver his favorite cologne and a card taped underneath it. I hope he liked what I got him, I was never really good at getting gifts for people. And since Oliver was one of the only boyfriends I've had that meant a whole lot to me, other than Travis, it made it even more difficult and made me even more self conscious about it.

I sadly had school today, so I slipped on my Vans and grabbed my school bag. I checked my phone to see if there were any new texts. One from Melanie, and one of Ariel.



Typical Melanie, always gushing over the littlest, but cutest, things.

Bring your cigarettes today, I wanna chill outside of school for a few periods and I'm all outta cigs. ;p -Ariel

I can't today, Oli and I's one month is today and he has something planned for me. Tomorrow? -Selena

There are two kinds of people in this world. Anywhore, I shoved my phone in my back pocket and walked to my bus stop. My bus came and I walked into the loud vehicle, mornings are always a drag.

It was finally fifth period when I finally got to see Oli. I walked into the full classroom and sat down in my assigned seat. Soon Matt and Oli came into the classroom laughing from probably a joke Matt just told.

"You're disgusting!" Oli exclaimed to Matt, I giggled a little at them. "I thought it was edible!" Matt fought back playfully. "I don't even wanna know what you guys are rambling about." I told them, chuckling a bit.

Oli turned to me, gleaming instantly. "Hello beautiful, happy one month." Oli told me and pecked me on the lips before Mrs. Brook had a chance to see.

"Alright class, today we are going to learn more figurative language, but not the easy kind. Copy down these notes, and tonight's homework is to write a paragraph with at least two figurative language sentences in it." Mrs. Brook instructed, earning a few grunts to the class.

I started to write down the what seemed like endless amount of notes. A few minutes past until Oli handed me a note. I looked at him and back at the note, unfolding it.

Come over after school? I wanna give you my present >:) -Oliver

I smiled at the note and wrote my answer, making sure Mrs. Brook didn't see me writing something else other than the notes on the board.

Of course, I just gotta get your present back at my house. What did you get me? :p -Selena

I quickly passed the note back to Oli, if Mrs. Brook saw we were passing notes, she'd take it and read it out loud to the class. She's done it before, and boy I felt bad for the people. How humiliating.

I glanced back at Oliver, he was reading the note and a smile tugged his lips. I turned my attention back to the board and continued writing. In the corner of my eye I saw Oliver trying to see how to pass the note back to me. As soon as Mrs. Brook turns around, he throws it at me. I covered my mouth from laughing loudly as I glared at him, picking up the note.

Sure you can come over at 4, I want you to meet my mum. And I'm not telling you what I got for you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore! :) -Oliver

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