Chapter 18

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*2 Months Later*

Selena's POV;

It's been two months since what happened on my birthday, which still haunts me to this day. Amanda's back in America already, and I miss her so much. Travis hasn't bothered me since my birthday, I wonder what Oli did to Travis and his friend, I'm a bit scared to know, too.

Me and Oli started dating last month, and it's been going smoothly. I feel safe when I'm with him, he's just so comforting.

Anywhore, since I was 15, I could get more jobs than I could when I was 14. So, I decided to take a walk and try to find some shops that had signs that said, 'Now Hiring.' I slipped on my combat boots and my leather jacket.

I stepped outside into a small snowfall, and I soon was freezing my ass off. I started walking towards mid-town to find a store to apply to. Bakery, can't cook for shit, deli, can't even make myself a decent sandwich. This was getting frustrating.

I found a little bookshop that had a 'Now Hiring' sign in the window. I opened the door and the scent of coffee and books filled my nose. I went up to the cashier, trying my hardest to push aside my social anxiety, and asked, "Hi, I saw your 'Now Hiring' sign in the window, are you still hiring?" I asked the man behind the cashier. The guy had dark brown hair, a red plaid long sleeved shirt on and some jeans with converse.

"Yes, we are. I'll go get some forms for you to fill out." He smiled with a strong English accent and turned to the back room that said 'Only Employees.' The man came back with two papers full of questions, oh wonderful.

"Here you are, just fill out all the questions and sign your name at the bottom of the second page." He told me while stapling the two pages together. He handed me a pen and I smiled and took the papers thanking him. I found a little table and desk to sit at and started filling out the pointless questions.

'How old are you? 16 Date of birth? December 9th, 1989 History of old job/s? None. Favourite thing about having a job? Getting money, honestly. Etc.

I signed my name at the bottom and went back up to the cashier and handed him my papers. He scanned my answers, "Mhm.." He mumbled while scanning. A few moments of awkward silence past and then he cheerfully said, "Okay, you seem perfect for this job. When would you like to start?" He smiled. "I guess, tomorrow?" I suggested. He smiled and nodded. "Awesome! I'll show you the ropes when you come here tomorrow, come here by 4:00 p.m." He told me. I nodded and thanked him.

"Name's Matt, by the way. See you tomorrow, Selena!" He said and I smiled and waved back. Finally I have a job.


Oliver's POV;

It was almost me and Selena's one month anniversary, and I was getting so frustrated on what to get her or surprise her with, this leads up to calling Matt.

I went to Matt's contact and pressed call, I waited patiently as the rings to him rang in my ears. "Oi, Oli! What's up, mate?" Matt answered gleefully.

"Next week is me and Selena's one month anniversary, and I don't know what to get her or surpise her with. Any ideas?" I asked Matt, I was so desperate for an idea.

"Hmm, well first you have to see what her interests are. She also likes the same music you do, so get her some band merch or something." Matt suggested.

"Alright, I'll try to find out what some of her interests are, hopefully I won't make it too obvious." I told Matt.

"Alright, well I gotta go. Melanie is on the other line and I don't wanna worry her, see you later." Matt said over the phone. I said bye and the line clicked. (A/N; Matt and Melanie started dating around the time Selena and Oli did, just an FYI.)

I let out a big sigh and fell back into my bed. I was always so anxious and nervous when it comes to giving gifts or something similar to this. I turned on my side thinking hard, until my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off into a a deep sleep.


"Wake up, lazy ass. Your mum went out to go fetch me some beer and she gave me a list of chores for you to do." My mum's new boyfriend, Jeremy, ordered me. He left the room stumbling a bit, so of course, he was drunk. Why did my mum have to attract sleazy, alcoholics?

I sat up in my bed and looked at the time, 9:28 P.M. I picked up my list of chores Jeremy left on my desk. I scratched the back of my head while scanning through what seemed like the endless list of chores.

Load the dishwasher, make all the beds, clean the living room, and do everybody's laundry. Great, not only it was a bunch of shit I had to do, half the stuff wasn't even mine. why can't Jeremy help out, why am I always the one who gets yelled at and is always forced to do the chores?

I sighed and got up, I was not in the mood for doing this, but of course if I didn't it'd end up with me being kicked out for the night.

I walked to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher while Jeremy sat in the dining room smoking a cigarette. He was really lazy, he didn't even bother going out himself to get his stupid beers. He doesn't deserve a woman like my mum, but my mum chose him anyways.

After I pressed the "Wash" button on the dishwasher, I made my way to my mum's room. Only to find a room with scatter beer cans, and pillows laying on the floor. I sighed and went over to make the bed until I found Jeremy's porn magazine out in the open. How could my mum tolerate that?

I made the bed and threw away the beer cans that scattered the floor. I heard the front door open and my mum's lovely voice filling the house. "I'm back!" She said letting Jeremy and I know.

A few hours later I just found myself procrastinating on my bed texting random people. I set my phone on my nightstand and bit my bottom lip. I still had to ask Selena basically what she wanted me to get her. If worst comes to worst, flowers it is.

I looked over at my alarm clock and noticed how late it got, 2:14 a.m. I doubt Selena would be up at this hour, so I'll just text her tomorrow.

My phone then buzzed and it was Selena, guess she wasn't asleep.

I have your presentttttt :P -Selena

Shit, now I'm really the only one left to get her a present.


A/N; THIS WAS DEFF A FILLER CHAPTER, but trust me it's going to get very very interesting real fast, just bare with me please. >.< Anywhore, I'm thinking about skipping a few years in the fanfic, would you guys be okay with that? I know some people get annoyed at people who do that, so just letting you guys know and seeing how you guys feel about it. Hope you liked chapter 18, guys! BTW; That's what Travis would look like on the side!

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