Part - 17

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Cabir: Then straight to point... U really don't love Nandani??!!!

Manik gasped loudly and check around them whether any of their friends heard it or not....

Manik: Idiot... Keep your stupid mouth shut... I wanna surprise them... Don't spoil it...

Cabir had enough of Manik's useless talks...

Cabir(impatiently gritting his teeth): OK Sry Mr.Malhotra... Now tell me clearly whether u love ur Ammu or not??!!!

Manik(stuttered): Cabir, actually... I... I.... I....

Cabir(fed up with Manik's stutters): JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.. I know ABCD.... I just don't know answer for my question....Now tell me.... u love her or not... I want an answer now.. RIGHT NOW....

Manik: cool down bro...

Cabir: MANIK... ANSWER ME...

Manik: OK..OK... My genuine answer is I don't know... I don't know what are my feelings for her... We just grow up hearing we two will get married one day.. And we were just committed to each other... It's like a different thing... In case.. Just imagine... Just for example... If I saw her first time in our school or college or any random place and bowled by her looks and character, then I can say ya I wanna know her... I feel something different for her.. So I can come to an conclusion that may be.... may be I'm in love with her... But it's.... It's so difficult in our case... We know each other like back of our hands... We know what the other think even before it comes out from our mouth... U r understanding na.... What I'm saying.... It's... It's... So confusing... Yeah I accept it even I tease her saying she's my girlfriend but then also...

Manik is not able to complete his sentences... Cabir never saw Manik like this unsure and helpless about anything.... Cabir calmly heard Manik and processed what he's saying..

Cabir(patiently): u never thought about what u two are??!!  What's ur value in her life or in that case what's her value in ur life... Something like that...

Manik: Half of our time went in irritating each other... Making fun of each other.. Or teasing others.. Pranking on others.... And Another half of our time went in caring for each other... Consoling each other... Most importantly seeing movies and dramas sitting beside each other silently absorbing our presence.... We never thought about our relationship or in that case what's our feelings for each other....

Cabir: Manik.... why didn't you date any other girl in ur life??!!

Manik(annoyed): Stupid..duffer... I just now said na... We grew up hearing we r going to get married with each other... Then how will I date other girls..

Cabir(intentionally to make him confuse): From what u said,  I understood one thing... It's not like u r having feelings for each other... It's just a commitment.. Right??!! Then why can't you date other girls Manik, like before ur marriage??!!

Manik: How can I??!! Idiot... I share my daily schedule with her and she share hers with me... We won't sleep without talking to each other... If I say I'm dating a girl... wouldn't she feel cheated??!!

Cabir(in a provoking manner): Again.... why will she feel cheated man!! It's just a family commitment,right??!!

Manik: No yaar... I know her.... she'll feel cheated...

Cabir: Even if she feels cheated, what's the loss for u??!! 

Manik(furiously): she'll get hurt Cabir..... and I don't want my Ammu to get hurt at any given situation and that too because of me.... Then it's a big Fat NO with capital N and capital O.... She's my everything.. She's all that I have...

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