Part - 14

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Manik was very happy seeing all important persons of his life with happiness brimming in their faces.....

Just then Manik's phone started ringing with "You know she like the drama, Yeah she is sexy mama
When she dance everybody go o o O!"...

Manik ran towards his phone as the phone was kept in charge and attended the call in hurry...

Arya(whispers):Last two times when he attended the phone, we were the ones who got heart attack... I don't know what's in store for us in this call....

Mukti: Feelings are mutual bro...

Abhini giggled at their conversation and straightened their face and nodded nothing when others asked what...

Manik: Hey prinkuuu.....How are u!!! How's ur internship going.... I miss u d....

Prinku: Manuuuu..... Wait...... Lemme speak first.... Happieeeeee Birthday My dear world's bestest friend and best bhai.....Love u so much....

Manik: Oye.. OK... Wait... Lemme say first that I Love u too... But why bestest friend but only best bhai...

Prinku: Bcoz....

Manik: Bcoz....

Prinku: Bcoz....

Manik(whines): Prinkuuu...

Prinku: Bcoz Manu, u r friend more than bhai...

Manik smiles and asks: OK what are u doing now

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Manik smiles and asks: OK what are u doing now...

Prinku: In airport to catch a flight...

Manik eyes twinkles hearing that whereas Nandu smiles on seeing his eyes shining like a original star amidst the star decorations

Manik: sacchhhiiii.....

Prinku(acts like thinking): Mmmmmm.... Let me think... Should I go back to dorm??!!

Manik(in horror) :No, Don't u dare!!!

Prinku: OK hulk.... Calm down... Even if I try then also I can't go back... As "ur Ammuu" double quoted(Manik chuckles) will kill me...

Manik: That's good for u... Be sure u reach before I reach there...

Prinku: Manu it's not possible...

Manik: I don't know that and all... U have to be there when I reach there... I'll introduce all of my friends to u then only...

Prinku(excitedly): what??!! Sacchhhiiii... But u tho was sad and was crying like a baby saying that u can't invite ur friends....

Manik(chuckled): Ur so called bros with Ammu planned and executed everything without my knowledge and as a result all my friends now know that what's going to happen tomorrow...

Prinku: That's great Manu... I'm really proud of ur Ammu.... But For God's sake Manu, At least for once try saying that u r going to get married...

A Little Forever Of MaNanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora